Source code for objects

""" is a subroutine of EMUstack that contains the NanoStruct,
    ThinFilm and Light objects. These represent the properties of a
    structured layer, a homogeneous layer and the incident light

    Copyright (C) 2015  Bjorn Sturmberg, Kokou Dossou, Felix Lawrence

    EMUstack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
import numpy as np
import materials
from mode_calcs import Simmo, Anallo
from fortran import EMUstack

msh_location = '../backend/fortran/msh/'

# Acknowledgements
print '\n##################################################################\n'\
    + 'EMUstack is brought to you by Bjorn Sturmberg, Kokou Dossou, \n' \
    + 'Felix Lawrence & Lindsay Botton, with support from CUDOS & ARENA\n' \
    + 'Starting EMUstack calculation ...\n' + \

[docs]class NanoStruct(object): """ Represents a structured layer. Args: periodicity (str): Either 1D or 2D structure '1D_array', '2D_array'. period (float): The period of the unit cell in nanometers. diameter1 (float): The diameter of the inclusion in nm. Keyword Args: period_y (float): The period of the unit cell in the y-direction.\ If None, period_y = period. inc_shape (str): Shape of inclusions that have template mesh, \ currently; 'circle', 'ellipse', 'square', 'ring', 'SRR', 'dimer', 'square_dimer', 'strip_circle', 'strip_square'. ellipticity (float): If != 0, inclusion has given ellipticity, \ with b = diameter, a = diameter-ellipticity * diameter. \ NOTE: only implemented for a single inclusion. len_vertical (float): Vertical length of split ring resonator \ (if inc_shape = 'SRR'). len_horizontal (float): Horizontal length of split ring resonator\ (if inc_shape = 'SRR'). diameter2-16 (float): The diameters of further inclusions in nm. \ Implemented up to diameter6 for 1D_arrays. gap (float): The dimer gap in nm. \ (if inc_shape = 'dimer' or 'square_dimer'). smooth (float): smoothness of square_dimer angles, between 0 (sharp). \ and 1 (circle). (if inc_shape = square_dimer'). inclusion_a : A :Material: instance for first inclusion, \ specified as dispersive refractive index (eg. materials.Si_c) \ or nondispersive complex number (eg. Material(1.0 + 0.0j)). inclusion_b : A :Material: instance for the second \ inclusion medium. inclusion_c : A :Material: instance for the third \ inclusion medium. inclusion_d : A :Material: instance for the fourth \ inclusion medium. inclusion_e : A :Material: instance for the fifth \ inclusion medium. background : A :Material: instance for the background medium. loss (bool): If False, Im(n) = 0, if True n as in \ :Material: instance. height_nm (float): The thickness of the layer in nm or \ 'semi_inf' for a semi-infinite layer. hyperbolic (bool): If True FEM looks for Eigenvalues around \ n**2 * k_0**2 rather than the regular \ n**2 * k_0**2 - alpha**2 - beta**2. world_1d (bool): Does the rest of the stack have exclusively 1D \ periodic structures and homogeneous layers? \ If True we use the set of 1D diffraction order PWs.\ Defaults to True for '1D_array', and False for '2D_array'. ff (float): The fill fraction of the inclusions. If non-zero, \ the specified diameters are overwritten s.t. given ff is \ achieved, otherwise ff is calculated from parameters and \ stored in self.ff. ff_rand (bool): If True, diameters overwritten with random \ diameters, s.t. the ff is as assigned. Must provide non-zero \ dummy diameters. posx (float): Shift NWs laterally towards center (each other), \ posx is a fraction of the distance possible before NWs touch. posy (float): Shift NWs vertically towards center (each other), \ posx is a fraction of the distance possible before NWs touch. small_space (float): Only for 1D_arrays with 2 interleaved \ inclusions. Sets distance between edges of inclusions. \ By default (d_in_nm - diameter1 - diameter2) / 2. \ The smaller distance is on the, which left of center \ (inclusion_a remains centered). edge_spacing (bool): For 1D_array with >= 3 inclusions. Space \ inclusion surfaces by equal separations. Else their centers \ will be equally spaced. make_mesh_now (bool): If True, program creates a FEM mesh with \ provided :NanoStruct: parameters. If False, must provide \ mesh_file name of existing .mail that will be run despite \ :NanoStruct: parameters. force_mesh (bool): If True, a new mesh is created despite \ existence of mesh with same parameter. This is used to make \ mesh with equal period etc. but different lc refinement. mesh_file (str): If using a set premade mesh give its name \ including .mail if 2D_array (eg. 600_60.mail), or .txt if \ 1D_array. It must be located in backend/fortran/msh/ lc_bkg (float): Length constant of meshing of background medium \ (smaller = finer mesh) lc2 (float): factor by which lc_bkg will be reduced on inclusion \ surfaces; lc_surface = cl_bkg / lc2. lc3-6' (float): factor by which lc_bkg will be reduced at center \ of inclusions. plotting_fields (bool): Unless set to true field data deleted.\ Also plots modes (ie. FEM solutions) in gmsh format. \ Plots epsilon*|E|^2 & choice of real/imag/abs of \ x,y,z components & field vectors. Fields are saved as gmsh \ files, but can be converted by running the .geo file found in \ Bloch_fields/PNG/ plot_real (bool): Choose to plot real part of modal fields. plot_imag (bool): Choose to plot imaginary part of modal fields. plot_abs (bool): Choose to plot absolute value of modal fields. plt_msh (bool): Save a plot of the 1D array geometry. """ def __init__(self, periodicity, period, diameter1, period_y=None, inc_shape='circle', ellipticity=0.0, ff=0, ff_rand=False, small_space=None, edge_spacing=False, len_vertical=0, len_horizontal=0, background=materials.Material(1.0 + 0.0j), inclusion_a=materials.Material(1.0 + 0.0j), inclusion_b=materials.Material(1.0 + 0.0j), inclusion_c=materials.Material(1.0 + 0.0j), inclusion_d=materials.Material(1.0 + 0.0j), inclusion_e=materials.Material(1.0 + 0.0j), loss=True, height_nm=100.0, diameter2=0, diameter3=0, diameter4=0, diameter5=0, diameter6=0, diameter7=0, diameter8=0, diameter9=0, diameter10=0, diameter11=0, diameter12=0, diameter13=0, diameter14=0, diameter15=0, diameter16=0, gap=0, smooth=0, hyperbolic=False, world_1d=None, posx=0, posy=0, make_mesh_now=True, force_mesh=True, mesh_file='NEED_FILE.mail', lc_bkg=0.09, lc2=1.0, lc3=1.0, lc4=1.0, lc5=1.0, lc6=1.0, plotting_fields=False, plot_real=1, plot_imag=0, plot_abs=0, plot_field_conc=False, plt_msh=True): self.periodicity = periodicity self.period = float(period) self.diameter1 = diameter1 if period_y is None: self.period_y = float(period) else: self.period_y = float(period_y) self.inc_shape = inc_shape self.height_nm = height_nm self.background = background self.inclusion_a = inclusion_a self.inclusion_b = inclusion_b self.inclusion_c = inclusion_c self.inclusion_d = inclusion_d self.inclusion_e = inclusion_e self.loss = loss self.hyperbolic = hyperbolic self.diameter2 = diameter2 self.diameter3 = diameter3 self.diameter4 = diameter4 self.diameter5 = diameter5 self.diameter6 = diameter6 self.diameter7 = diameter7 self.diameter8 = diameter8 self.diameter9 = diameter9 self.diameter10 = diameter10 self.diameter11 = diameter11 self.diameter12 = diameter12 self.diameter13 = diameter13 self.diameter14 = diameter14 self.diameter15 = diameter15 self.diameter16 = diameter16 = gap self.smooth = smooth self.len_vertical = len_vertical self.len_horizontal = len_horizontal self.ellipticity = ellipticity if ellipticity > 1.0: raise ValueError, "ellipticity must be less than 1.0" if diameter3 != 0: self.nb_typ_el = 4 elif diameter2 != 0: self.nb_typ_el = 3 else: self.nb_typ_el = 2 if ff == 0: if periodicity == '2D_array': self.ff = calculate_ff(inc_shape, period, self.period_y, diameter1, diameter2, diameter3, diameter4, diameter5, diameter6, diameter7, diameter8, diameter9, diameter10, diameter11, diameter12, diameter13, diameter14, diameter15, diameter16, ellipticity) elif periodicity == '1D_array': self.ff = (diameter1 + diameter2)/period else: self.ff = ff if diameter2 != 0: self.diameter2 = 2*((ff*(period)**2)/np.pi - ((diameter1/2)**2))**0.5 else: self.diameter1 = 2*np.sqrt((ff*(period)**2)/np.pi) self.ff_rand = ff_rand if world_1d is None: if periodicity == '1D_array': self.world_1d = True if periodicity == '2D_array': self.world_1d = False else: self.world_1d = world_1d self.posx = posx self.posy = posy = lc_bkg self.lc2 = lc2 self.lc3 = lc3 self.lc4 = lc4 self.lc5 = lc5 self.lc6 = lc6 self.force_mesh = force_mesh self.small_space = small_space self.edge_spacing = edge_spacing self.plt_msh = plt_msh if make_mesh_now is True: self.make_mesh() else: self.mesh_file = mesh_file if plotting_fields is True: self.plotting_fields = 1 if periodicity == '2D_array': if not os.path.exists("Bloch_fields"): os.mkdir("Bloch_fields") if not os.path.exists("Bloch_fields/PDF"): os.mkdir("Bloch_fields/PDF") else: self.plotting_fields = 0 self.plot_real = plot_real self.plot_imag = plot_imag self.plot_abs = plot_abs self.plot_field_conc = plot_field_conc
[docs] def make_mesh(self): if self.periodicity == '2D_array': if self.inc_shape in ['circle', 'ellipse', 'square']: if self.diameter10 > 0: supercell = 16 msh_name = '%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(dia)s_%(dias)s_%(diass)s_%(diasss)s_%(diassss)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'dia': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dias': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'dias': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diass': dec_float_str(self.diameter3), 'diasss': dec_float_str(self.diameter4), 'diassss': dec_float_str(self.diameter5)} elif self.diameter5 > 0: supercell = 9 msh_name = '%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(dia)s_%(dias)s_%(diass)s_%(diasss)s_%(diassss)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'dia': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dias': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diass': dec_float_str(self.diameter3), 'diasss': dec_float_str(self.diameter4), 'diassss': dec_float_str(self.diameter5)} elif self.diameter4 > 0: supercell = 4 msh_name = '%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(dia)s_%(dias)s_%(diass)s_%(diasss)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'dia': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dias': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diass': dec_float_str(self.diameter3), 'diasss': dec_float_str(self.diameter4)} elif self.diameter3 > 0: supercell = 3 msh_name = '%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(dia)s_%(dias)s_%(diass)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'dia': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dias': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diass': dec_float_str(self.diameter3)} elif self.diameter2 > 0: supercell = 2 msh_name = '%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(dia)s_%(dias)s' % {'d': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'dia': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'diameters': dec_float_str(self.diameter2)} elif self.diameter1 > 0: supercell = 1 msh_name = '%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(dia)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'dia': dec_float_str(self.diameter1)} else: raise ValueError, "must have at least one cylinder of nonzero diameter." if self.ellipticity != 0: msh_name = msh_name + '_e_%(e)s' % {'e': dec_float_str(self.ellipticity),} if self.inc_shape == 'square': msh_name = msh_name + '_sq' if self.posx != 0: msh_name = msh_name + 'x%(e)s' % {'e': dec_float_str(self.posx),} if self.posy != 0: msh_name = msh_name + 'y%(e)s' % {'e': dec_float_str(self.posy),} # for blah in range(1,101,1): # print blah # msh_name = 'random_u_%i' % blah # self.mesh_file = msh_name + '.mail' # msh_name = 'design-last_17' if self.ff_rand is True: import random ff_tol = 0.0001 min_a = 50 max_a = (self.period/1.05)/np.sqrt(supercell) unit_period = (self.period/np.sqrt(supercell)) mean = np.sqrt((self.ff*(unit_period)**2)/np.pi) test_ff = 0 while abs(test_ff-self.ff) > ff_tol: rad_array = [] for i in range(supercell): # stand_dev = 30 # select_diameter = random.gauss(mean,stand_dev) select_diameter = random.uniform(min_a,max_a) rad_array = np.append(rad_array,select_diameter) test_ff = calculate_ff(self.inc_shape, self.period, self.period_y, rad_array[0], rad_array[1], rad_array[2], rad_array[3], rad_array[4], rad_array[5], rad_array[6], rad_array[7], rad_array[8], rad_array[9], rad_array[10], rad_array[11], rad_array[12], rad_array[13], rad_array[14], rad_array[15]) print test_ff if supercell > 3: self.diameter1 = rad_array[0] self.diameter2 = rad_array[1] self.diameter3 = rad_array[2] self.diameter4 = rad_array[3] if supercell > 4: self.diameter5 = rad_array[4] self.diameter6 = rad_array[5] self.diameter7 = rad_array[6] self.diameter8 = rad_array[7] self.diameter9 = rad_array[8] if supercell > 9: self.diameter10 = rad_array[9] self.diameter11 = rad_array[10] self.diameter12 = rad_array[11] self.diameter13 = rad_array[12] self.diameter14 = rad_array[13] self.diameter15 = rad_array[14] self.diameter16 = rad_array[15] test_ff = calculate_ff(self.inc_shape, self.period, self.period_y, rad_array[0], rad_array[1], rad_array[2], rad_array[3], rad_array[4], rad_array[5], rad_array[6], rad_array[7], rad_array[8], rad_array[9], rad_array[10], rad_array[11], rad_array[12], rad_array[13], rad_array[14], rad_array[15]) if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or self.force_mesh is True: geo_tmp = open(msh_location + '%s_msh_template.geo' % supercell, "r").read() geo = geo_tmp.replace('ff = 0;', "ff = %f;" % self.ff) geo = geo.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) geo = geo.replace('dy_in_nm = 0;', "dy_in_nm = %f;" % self.period_y) geo = geo.replace('a1 = 0;', "a1 = %f;" % self.diameter1) geo = geo.replace('ellipticity = 0;', "ellipticity = %f;" % self.ellipticity) if self.inc_shape == 'square': geo = geo.replace('square = 0;', "square = 1;") geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) if self.posx != 0: # appropriate for old definition of fraction of distance to touching geo = geo.replace('posx = 0;', "posx = %f;" % (self.posx/self.period*(self.period/(2*np.sqrt(supercell)) - self.diameter1/2.0))) # appropriate for % shift of distance of centre point to (ind) unitcell boundary (ie d/2) # geo = geo.replace('posx = 0;', "posx = %f;" % float(self.posx/supercell)) if self.posy != 0: geo = geo.replace('posy = 0;', "posy = %f;" % (self.posy/self.period*(self.period/(2*np.sqrt(supercell)) - self.diameter1/2.0))) # geo = geo.replace('posy = 0;', "posy = %f;" % float(self.posy/supercell)) if supercell > 1: geo = geo.replace('a2 = 0;', "a2 = %f;" % self.diameter2) geo = geo.replace('lc4 = lc/1;', "lc4 = lc/%f;" % self.lc4) if supercell > 2: geo = geo.replace('a3 = 0;', "a3 = %f;" % self.diameter3) geo = geo.replace('lc5 = lc/1;', "lc5 = lc/%f;" % self.lc5) if supercell > 3: geo = geo.replace('a4 = 0;', "a4 = %f;" % self.diameter4) geo = geo.replace('lc6 = lc/1;', "lc6 = lc/%f;" % self.lc6) if supercell > 4: geo = geo.replace('a5 = 0;', "a5 = %f;" % self.diameter5) geo = geo.replace('a6 = 0;', "a6 = %f;" % self.diameter6) geo = geo.replace('a7 = 0;', "a7 = %f;" % self.diameter7) geo = geo.replace('a8 = 0;', "a8 = %f;" % self.diameter8) geo = geo.replace('a9 = 0;', "a9 = %f;" % self.diameter9) if supercell > 9: geo = geo.replace('a10 = 0;', "a10 = %f;" % self.diameter10) geo = geo.replace('a11 = 0;', "a11 = %f;" % self.diameter11) geo = geo.replace('a12 = 0;', "a12 = %f;" % self.diameter12) geo = geo.replace('a13 = 0;', "a13 = %f;" % self.diameter13) geo = geo.replace('a14 = 0;', "a14 = %f;" % self.diameter14) geo = geo.replace('a15 = 0;', "a15 = %f;" % self.diameter15) geo = geo.replace('a16 = 0;', "a16 = %f;" % self.diameter16) elif self.inc_shape == 'SRR': msh_name = 'SRR_%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(lvert)s_%(lhori)s_%(dia)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'lvert': dec_float_str(self.len_vertical), 'lhori': dec_float_str(self.len_horizontal), 'dia': dec_float_str(self.diameter1)} if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or self.force_mesh is True: geo_tmp = open(msh_location + 'SRR_msh_template.geo', "r").read() geo = geo_tmp.replace('ff = 0;', "ff = %f;" % self.ff) geo = geo.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) geo = geo.replace('dy_in_nm = 0;', "dy_in_nm = %f;" % self.period_y) geo = geo.replace('lvert_nm = 0;', "lvert_nm = %f;" % self.len_vertical) geo = geo.replace('lhori_nm = 0;', "lhori_nm = %f;" % self.len_horizontal) geo = geo.replace('width_nm = 0;', "width_nm = %f;" % self.diameter1) geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) elif self.inc_shape == 'ring': msh_name = 'ring_%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(dia_out)s_%(dia_in)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'dia_out': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dia_in': dec_float_str(self.diameter2)} if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or self.force_mesh is True: geo_tmp = open(msh_location + 'ring1_msh_template.geo', "r").read() geo = geo_tmp.replace('ff = 0;', "ff = %f;" % self.ff) geo = geo.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) geo = geo.replace('dy_in_nm = 0;', "dy_in_nm = %f;" % self.period_y) geo = geo.replace('a1 = 0;', "a1 = %f;" % self.diameter1) geo = geo.replace('a2 = 0;', "a2 = %f;" % self.diameter2) geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) elif self.inc_shape == 'dimer': msh_name = 'dimer_%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(d_one)s_%(d_two)s_%(gap)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'd_one': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'd_two': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'gap': dec_float_str(} if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or self.force_mesh is True: geo_tmp = open(msh_location + 'dimer1_msh_template.geo', "r").read() geo = geo_tmp.replace('ff = 0;', "ff = %f;" % self.ff) geo = geo.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) geo = geo.replace('dy_in_nm = 0;', "dy_in_nm = %f;" % self.period_y) geo = geo.replace('a1 = 0;', "a1 = %f;" % self.diameter1) geo = geo.replace('a2 = 0;', "a2 = %f;" % self.diameter2) geo = geo.replace('gap = 0;', "gap = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) elif self.inc_shape == 'square_dimer': msh_name = 'square_dimer_%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(d_one)s_%(d_two)s_%(gap)s_%(smooth)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'd_one': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'd_two': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'gap': dec_float_str(, 'smooth': dec_float_str(self.smooth)} if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or self.force_mesh is True: geo_tmp = open(msh_location + 'square_dimer1_msh_template.geo', "r").read() geo = geo_tmp.replace('ff = 0;', "ff = %f;" % self.ff) geo = geo.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) geo = geo.replace('dy_in_nm = 0;', "dy_in_nm = %f;" % self.period_y) geo = geo.replace('a1 = 0;', "a1 = %f;" % self.diameter1) geo = geo.replace('a2 = 0;', "a2 = %f;" % self.diameter2) geo = geo.replace('gap = 0;', "gap = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('smooth = 0;', "smooth = %f;" % self.smooth) geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) elif self.inc_shape == 'strip_circle': msh_name = 'strip_circle_%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(d_one)s_%(d_two)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'd_one': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'd_two': dec_float_str(self.diameter2)} if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or self.force_mesh is True: geo_tmp = open(msh_location + '1_strip_msh_template.geo', "r").read() geo = geo_tmp.replace('ff = 0;', "ff = %f;" % self.ff) geo = geo.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) geo = geo.replace('dy_in_nm = 0;', "dy_in_nm = %f;" % self.period_y) geo = geo.replace('a1 = 0;', "a1 = %f;" % self.diameter1) geo = geo.replace('strip = 0;', "strip = %f;" % self.diameter2) geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) elif self.inc_shape == 'strip_square': msh_name = 'strip_square_%(d)s_%(dy)s_%(d_one)s_%(d_two)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'dy': dec_float_str(self.period_y), 'd_one': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'd_two': dec_float_str(self.diameter2)} if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or self.force_mesh is True: geo_tmp = open(msh_location + '1_strip_msh_template.geo', "r").read() geo = geo_tmp.replace('ff = 0;', "ff = %f;" % self.ff) geo = geo.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) geo = geo.replace('dy_in_nm = 0;', "dy_in_nm = %f;" % self.period_y) geo = geo.replace('a1 = 0;', "a1 = %f;" % self.diameter1) geo = geo.replace('strip = 0;', "strip = %f;" % self.diameter2) geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) geo = geo.replace('square = 0;', "square = 1;") else: raise NotImplementedError, "\n Selected inc_shape = '%s' \n \ is not currently implemented. Please make a mesh with gmsh, & \n \ consider contributing this to EMUstack via github." % self.inc_shape self.mesh_file = msh_name + '.mail' open(msh_location + msh_name + '.geo', "w").write(geo) EMUstack.conv_gmsh(msh_location+msh_name) # # Automatically show created mesh in gmsh. # gmsh_cmd = 'gmsh '+ msh_location + msh_name + '.msh' # os.system(gmsh_cmd) # gmsh_cmd = 'gmsh '+ msh_location + msh_name + '.geo' # os.system(gmsh_cmd) elif self.periodicity == '1D_array': # Unit cell length normalized to unity x_min = 0.0 x_max = 1.0 # Mesh elements and points nel = int(np.round(1.0/ npt = 2 * nel + 1 delta_x = (x_max - x_min) / nel # Coordinate and type of the nodes el_list = range(1,nel+1) table_nod = np.zeros((3,nel+1)) type_el = np.zeros(nel+1) ls_x = np.zeros(npt+1) for i_el in el_list: x = x_min + (i_el-1) * delta_x ls_x[2*i_el-1] = x ls_x[2*i_el] = x + delta_x / 2.0 # End-points x = x_min + i_el * delta_x ls_x[2*i_el+1] = x # Connectivity table for i_el in el_list: table_nod[0, i_el] = 2*i_el-1 table_nod[1, i_el] = 2*i_el+1 table_nod[2, i_el] = 2*i_el # Mid-node if self.diameter6 > 0: msh_name = '%(d)s_%(di)s_%(dis)s_%(diss)s_%(disss)s_%(dissss)s_%(disssss)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'di': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dis': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diss': dec_float_str(self.diameter3), 'disss': dec_float_str(self.diameter4), 'dissss': dec_float_str(self.diameter5), 'disssss': dec_float_str(self.diameter6)} # End-points of the elements rad_1 = self.diameter1/(2.0*self.period) rad_2 = self.diameter2/(2.0*self.period) rad_3 = self.diameter3/(2.0*self.period) rad_4 = self.diameter4/(2.0*self.period) rad_5 = self.diameter5/(2.0*self.period) rad_6 = self.diameter6/(2.0*self.period) if self.edge_spacing == True: i_d = 2.0*(0.5 - rad_1 - rad_2 - rad_3 - rad_4 - rad_5 - rad_6)/6.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 and 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 and 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 and 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 and 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - rad_1 and 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - rad_1 and 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 + rad_1 \ and 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 + rad_1: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= 0.5 - 3.0*i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 and x_1 >= 0.5 - 3.0*i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 - rad_5\ and x_2 <= 0.5 - 3.0*i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 and x_2 >= 0.5 - 3.0*i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 - rad_5: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 >= 0.5 + 3.0*i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 and x_1 <= 0.5 + 3.0*i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 + 2.0*rad_6\ and x_2 >= 0.5 + 3.0*i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 and x_2 <= 0.5 + 3.0*i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 + 2.0*rad_6: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 else: i_d = 1.0/6.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2 \ and 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3 \ and 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - rad_4 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d + rad_4 \ and 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - rad_4 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d + rad_4: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + 2.0*i_d - rad_5 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + rad_5 \ and 0.5 + 2.0*i_d - rad_5 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + rad_5: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= rad_6 and x_2 <= rad_6: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 >= 1.0 - rad_6 and x_2 >= 1.0 - rad_6: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 elif self.diameter5 > 0: msh_name = '%(d)s_%(di)s_%(dis)s_%(diss)s_%(disss)s_%(dissss)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'di': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dis': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diss': dec_float_str(self.diameter3), 'disss': dec_float_str(self.diameter4), 'dissss': dec_float_str(self.diameter5)} # End-points of the elements rad_1 = self.diameter1/(2.0*self.period) rad_2 = self.diameter2/(2.0*self.period) rad_3 = self.diameter3/(2.0*self.period) rad_4 = self.diameter4/(2.0*self.period) rad_5 = self.diameter5/(2.0*self.period) if self.edge_spacing is True: i_d = 2.0*(0.5 - rad_1 - rad_2 - rad_3 - rad_4 - rad_5)/5.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 and 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 and 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 and 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 and 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - rad_1 and 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - rad_1 and 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - 2.0*rad_4 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 + rad_1 \ and 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + 2.0*rad_5 + rad_1: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 else: i_d = 1.0/5.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2 \ and 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3 \ and 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - rad_4 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d + rad_4 \ and 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - rad_4 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d + rad_4: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + 2.0*i_d - rad_5 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + rad_5 \ and 0.5 + 2.0*i_d - rad_5 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + rad_5: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 elif self.diameter4 > 0: msh_name = '%(d)s_%(di)s_%(dis)s_%(diss)s_%(disss)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'di': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dis': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diss': dec_float_str(self.diameter3), 'disss': dec_float_str(self.diameter4)} # End-points of the elements rad_1 = self.diameter1/(2.0*self.period) rad_2 = self.diameter2/(2.0*self.period) rad_3 = self.diameter3/(2.0*self.period) rad_4 = self.diameter4/(2.0*self.period) if self.edge_spacing is True: i_d = 2.0*(0.5 - rad_1 - rad_2 - rad_3 - rad_4)/4.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 and 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 and 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3 \ and 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 >= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3 \ and x_2 >= 0.5 + 2.0*i_d + rad_1 + 2.0*rad_3: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 - 2.0*i_d - rad_1 - 2.0*rad_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 else: i_d = 1.0/4.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2 \ and 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3 \ and 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 <= rad_4 and x_2 <= rad_4: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 >= 1.0 - rad_4 and x_2 >= 1.0 - rad_4: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 elif self.diameter3 > 0: msh_name = '%(d)s_%(di)s_%(dis)s_%(diss)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'di': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'dis': dec_float_str(self.diameter2), 'diss': dec_float_str(self.diameter3)} # End-points of the elements rad_1 = self.diameter1/(2.0*self.period) rad_2 = self.diameter2/(2.0*self.period) rad_3 = self.diameter3/(2.0*self.period) if self.edge_spacing is True: i_d = (1.0 - self.diameter1 - self.diameter2 - self.diameter3)/3.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] # inclusion 1 if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 # inclusion 2 elif 0.5 - i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - rad_1 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1 \ and 0.5 - i_d - 2.0*rad_2 - rad_1 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d - rad_1: type_el[i_el] = 3 # inclusion 3 elif x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 and 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + 2.0*rad_3 + rad_1 and 0.5 + i_d + rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 else: i_d = 1.0/3.0 for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2 \ and 0.5 - i_d - rad_2 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 - i_d + rad_2: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_1 and x_1 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3 \ and 0.5 + i_d - rad_3 <= x_2 and x_2 <= 0.5 + i_d + rad_3: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 elif self.diameter2 > 0: msh_name = '1D_%(d)s_%(diameter)s_%(diameters)s' % { 'd': dec_float_str(self.period), 'diameter': dec_float_str(self.diameter1), 'diameters': dec_float_str(self.diameter2)} # End-points of the elements rad_1 = self.diameter1/(2.0*self.period) rad_2 = self.diameter2/(2.0*self.period) if self.small_space is None: small_space = large_d = 0.5 - rad_1 - rad_2 else: small_space = self.small_space large_d = 1.0 - small_space - (2*rad_1) - (2*rad_2) for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 elif x_1 <= 0.5-rad_1-small_space and x_2 <= 0.5-rad_1-small_space: type_el[i_el] = 3 elif x_1 >= 0.5+large_d+rad_1 and x_2 >= 0.5+large_d+rad_1: type_el[i_el] = 3 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 elif self.diameter1 > 0: msh_name = '1D_%(d)s_%(diameter)s' % {'d' : dec_float_str(self.period), 'diameter' : dec_float_str(self.diameter1)} # End-points of the elements rad_1 = self.diameter1/(2.0*self.period) for i_el in el_list: x_1 = ls_x[2*i_el-1] x_2 = ls_x[2*i_el+1] if x_1 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_1 \ and x_2 <= 0.5 + rad_1 and 0.5 - rad_1 <= x_2: type_el[i_el] = 2 else: type_el[i_el] = 1 else: raise ValueError, "Must have at least one grating of nonzero width." # Store useful quantities as property of the object. self.n_msh_el = nel self.n_msh_pts = npt self.table_nod = table_nod[:,1:] # self.type_el = type_el[1:] self.type_el = type_el[1:] self.x_arr = ls_x[1:] self.mesh_file = msh_name if self.plt_msh is True: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) ax1.plot(el_list,self.type_el) ax1.fill_between(el_list,self.type_el,0) ax1.set_xlim(el_list[0],el_list[-1]) ax1.set_ylim(1,3) ax1.set_yticks([1,2,3]) ax1.set_yticklabels(['bkg', 'inc_a', 'inc_b']) ax1.set_xlabel('Element Number') ax1.set_ylabel('Material Type') plt.savefig(msh_name, bbox_inches='tight') # Then clean up local variables. del nel, npt, table_nod, ls_x, type_el, el_list # Latency of old 1D grating meshed in 2D. # elif self.periodicity == '1D_array': # if self.diameter2 > 0: # supercell = 2 # msh_name = '1D_%(d)s_%(diameter)s_%(diameters)s' % { # 'd' : dec_float_str(self.period), 'diameter' : dec_float_str(self.diameter1), # 'diameters' : dec_float_str(self.diameter2)} # elif self.diameter1 > 0: # supercell = 1 # msh_name = '1D_%(d)s_%(diameter)s' % {'d' : dec_float_str(self.period), # 'diameter' : dec_float_str(self.diameter1)} # else: # raise ValueError, "must have at least one grating of nonzero width." # self.mesh_file = msh_name + '.mail' # if not os.path.exists(msh_location + msh_name + '.mail') or force_mesh == True: # geo_tmp = open(msh_location + '1D_%s_msh_template.geo' % supercell, "r").read() # geo = geo_tmp.replace('d_in_nm = 0;', "d_in_nm = %f;" % self.period) # geo = geo.replace('w1 = 0;', "w1 = %f;" % self.diameter1) # geo = geo.replace('lc = 0;', "lc = %f;" % # geo = geo.replace('lc2 = lc/1;', "lc2 = lc/%f;" % self.lc2) # if supercell > 1: # geo = geo.replace('w2 = 0;', "w2 = %f;" % self.diameter2) # geo = geo.replace('lc3 = lc/1;', "lc3 = lc/%f;" % self.lc3) # geo = geo.replace('lc4 = lc/1;', "lc4 = lc/%f;" % self.lc4) # if self.small_space != 0: # # small distance between centre of gratings in nm # # calc complementary large distance, which is added to top & bottom # large_d_on_2 = (self.period - self.diameter1/2 - self.diameter2/2 - self.small_space)/2 # posx1 = large_d_on_2 + self.diameter1/2 # posx2 = large_d_on_2 + self.diameter2/2 # posx3 = large_d_on_2 + self.diameter1 + ((self.small_space - self.diameter1/2 - self.diameter2/2)/2) # geo = geo.replace('posx1 = hy/4;', "posx1 = %f/d_in_nm;" % posx1) # geo = geo.replace('posx2 = hy/4;', "posx2 = %f/d_in_nm;" % posx2) # geo = geo.replace('posx3 = hy/2;', "posx3 = %f/d_in_nm;" % posx3) # # if supercell > 1: # # geo = geo.replace('a2 = 0;', "a2 = %i;" % self.diameter2) # # geo = geo.replace('lc4 = lc/1;', "lc4 = lc/%f;" % self.lc4) # # if supercell > 2: # # geo = geo.replace('a3 = 0;', "a3 = %i;" % self.diameter3) # # geo = geo.replace('lc5 = lc/1;', "lc5 = lc/%f;" % self.lc5) # open(msh_location + msh_name + '.geo', "w").write(geo) # EMUstack.conv_gmsh(msh_location+msh_name) # # gmsh_cmd = 'gmsh '+ msh_location + msh_name + '.msh' # # gmsh_cmd = 'gmsh '+ msh_location + msh_name + '.geo' # # os.system(gmsh_cmd) else: raise ValueError, "Must be simulating either a '1D_array' or a '2D_array'."
[docs] def calc_modes(self, light, **args): """ Run a simulation to find the NanoStruct's modes. Args: light (Light instance): Represents incident light. args (dict): Options to pass to :Simmo.calc_modes:. Returns: :Simmo: object """ simmo = Simmo(self, light) simmo.calc_modes(**args) return simmo
[docs]class ThinFilm(object): """ Represents an unstructured homogeneous film. Args: period (float): Artificial period imposed on homogeneous film \ to give consistently defined plane waves in terms of \ diffraction orders of structured layers. Keyword Args: period_y (float): The period of the unit cell in the y-direction.\ If None, period_y = period. height_nm (float): The thickness of the layer in nm or 'semi_inf'\ for a semi-infinte layer. num_pw_per_pol (int): The number of plane waves per polarisation. world_1d (bool): Does the rest of the stack have exclusively 1D \ periodic structures and homogeneous layers? \ If True we use the set of 1D diffraction order PWs. material : A :Material: instance specifying the n of \ the layer and related methods. loss (bool): If False sets Im(n) = 0, if True leaves n as is. """ def __init__(self, period, period_y=None, height_nm=1.0, num_pw_per_pol=0, world_1d=False, material=materials.Material(3.0 + 0.001), loss=True): self.period = float(period) if period_y is None: self.period_y = float(period) else: self.period_y = float(period_y) self.world_1d = world_1d self.height_nm = height_nm self.num_pw_per_pol = num_pw_per_pol self.material = material self.loss = loss
[docs] def calc_modes(self, light): """ Run a simulation to find the ThinFilm's modes. Args: light (Light instance): Represents incident light. args (dict): Options to pass to :Anallo.calc_modes:. Returns: :Anallo: object """ an = Anallo(self, light) an.calc_modes() return an
[docs]class Light(object): """ Represents the light incident on structure. Incident angles may either be specified by `k_parallel` or by incident angles `theta` and `phi`, together with the refractive index `n_inc` of the incident medium. `wl_nm` and `k_pll` are both in unnormalised units. At normal incidence and TE polarisation the E-field is aligned with the y-axis. At normal incidence some plane waves and Bloch modes become degenerate. This causes problems for the FEM solver and the ordering of the plane waves. To avoid this a small (1e-5) theta and phi are introduced. Args: wl_nm (float): Wavelength, in nanometers. Keyword Args: max_order_PWs (int): Maximum plane wave order to include. k_parallel (tuple): The wave vector components (k_x, k_y) \ parallel to the interface planes. Units of nm^-1. theta (float): Polar angle of incidence in degrees. phi (float): Azimuthal angle of incidence in degrees \ measured from x-axis. """ def __init__(self, wl_nm, max_order_PWs=2, k_parallel=None, theta=None, phi=None, n_inc=1.): if np.imag(wl_nm) != 0: self.wl_nm = complex(wl_nm) print "Warning: using a complex wavelength. EMUstack can \n\ only handle these for uniform films using 0 pw_orders." else: self.wl_nm = float(np.real(wl_nm)) self._air_anallos = {} self.max_order_PWs = max_order_PWs if None == theta and None == k_parallel: raise ValueError, "Specify incident angle either by \n\ k_parallel OR by theta, phi and n_inc." if None == theta: self.k_pll = np.array(k_parallel, dtype='float64') # Check that not aligned with either x or y axis. if np.abs(self.k_pll[0]) == 0 or np.abs(self.k_pll[1]) == 0: print "Warning: a component of k_parallel is exactly zero, \n\ this can lead to degeneracies and errors." else: # Check for inconsistent input if None != k_parallel or phi == None: raise ValueError, "Specify incident angle either by \n\ k_parallel OR by theta, phi and n_inc." # Avoid the degeneracies that occur at normal incidence # (FEM does not deal well with them) if abs(theta) < 1e-5: theta += 1e-5 if abs(phi) < 1e-5: phi += 1e-5 # Calculate k_parallel from incident angles k = 2 * np.pi * np.real(n_inc) / self.wl_nm theta *= np.pi / 180 phi *= np.pi / 180 self.k_pll = k*np.sin(theta) * np.array( [np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)], dtype='float64') def _air_ref(self, period, period_y, world_1d): """ Return an :Anallo: corresponding to this :Light: in free space. The :Anallo: will have len(anallo.k_z) == 2 * num_pw. Args: period (float): period imposed on homogeneous film. period_y (float): period imposed on homogeneous film \ along y-axis. world_1d (bool): Specify whether to use 1D or 2D \ diffraction orders. """ if (period) in self._air_anallos: return self._air_anallos[(period)] else: air = ThinFilm(period=period, period_y=period_y, material=materials.Air, world_1d=world_1d) an = Anallo(air, self) an.is_air_ref = True kz = an.calc_kz() an.k_z = np.append(kz, kz) # Save this for future reference (we'll be back) self._air_anallos[(period)] = an return an
[docs]def dec_float_str(dec_float): """ Convert float with decimal point into string with '_' in place of '.' """ string = str(dec_float) fmt_string = string.replace('.', '_') return fmt_string
[docs]def calculate_ff(inc_shape, d, dy, a1, a2=0, a3=0, a4=0, a5=0, a6=0, a7=0, a8=0, a9=0, a10=0, a11=0, a12=0, a13=0, a14=0, a15=0, a16=0, el1=0): """ Calculate the fill fraction of the inclusions. Args: inc_shape (str): shape of the inclusions. d (float): period of structure, in same units as a1-16. dy (float): period of structure along y-axis, in same units as a1-16. a1 (float): diameter of inclusion 1, in same units as d. Keyword Args: a2-16 (float): diameters of further inclusions. el1 (float): ellipticity of inclusion 1. """ if inc_shape == 'circle' or inc_shape == 'ellipse': ff = np.pi*((a1/2)**2*np.sqrt(1-el1) + (a2/2)**2 + (a3/2)**2 + (a4/2)**2 + (a5/2)**2 + (a6/2)**2 + (a7/2)**2 + (a8/2)**2 + (a9/2)**2 + (a10/2)**2 + (a11/2)**2 + (a12/2)**2 + (a13/2)**2 + (a14/2)**2 + (a15/2)**2 + (a16/2)**2)/(d*dy) elif inc_shape == 'square': ff = ((a1)**2 + (a2)**2 + (a3)**2 + (a4)**2 + (a5)**2 + (a6)**2 + (a7)**2 + (a8)**2 + (a9)**2 + (a10)**2 + (a11)**2 + (a12)**2 + (a13)**2 + (a14)**2 + (a15)**2 + (a16)**2)/(d*dy) elif inc_shape == 'dimer': ff = np.pi*((a1/2.0)**2+(a2/2.0)**2)/(d*dy) else: ff = 0.0 return ff