Source code for plotting

""" is a subroutine of EMUstack that contains numerous plotting

    Copyright (C) 2015  Bjorn Sturmberg, Kokou Dossou, Felix Lawrence

    EMUstack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import objects
import mode_calcs

import numpy as np
from scipy import sqrt
import subprocess
from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import os

# font = {'family' : 'normal',
#         'weight' : 'bold',
#         'size'   : 18}

# font = {'size'   : 14}
# matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
linesstrength = 2.5
title_font = 10

#### Natural constants ########################################################
ASTM15_tot_I   = 900.084            # Integral ASTM 1.5 solar irradiance W/m**2
Plancks_h      = 6.62606957*1e-34   # Planck's constant
speed_c        = 299792458          # Speed of light in vacuum
charge_e       = 1.602176565*1e-19  # Charge of an electron

#### Short utility functions ##################################################
[docs]def clear_previous(): """ Delete all files of specified type as well as field directories. """ devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb') type_list = ['*.npz', '*.pdf', '*.txt', '*.gif', '*.png', '*.log', '*.svg', 'fields_vertically -r', 'in_plane_fields -r', 'Bloch_fields -r', 'field_values -r', '3d_fields -r'] for typ in type_list: try: files_rm = 'rm %s'% typ, shell = True, stderr=devnull) except: pass
[docs]def zeros_int_str(zero_int): """ Convert integer into string with '0' in place of ' '. """ # if zero_int == 0: # fmt_string = '0000' # else: # string = '%4.0f' % zero_int # fmt_string = string.replace(' ','0') string = '%4.0f' % zero_int fmt_string = string.replace(' ','0') return fmt_string
[docs]def tick_function(energies): """ Convert energy in eV into wavelengths in nm """ wls = Plancks_h*speed_c/(energies*charge_e)*1e9 return wls
[docs]def max_n(stacks_list): """ Find maximum refractive index n in stacks_list. """ ns = [] for s in stacks_list: for l in s.layers: if isinstance(l, objects.Anallo): ns.append(l.n()) if isinstance(l, objects.Simmo): wl = l.light.wl_nm ns.append(l.structure.background.n(wl)) ns.append(l.structure.inclusion_a.n(wl)) ns.append(l.structure.inclusion_b.n(wl)) return np.real(np.max(ns))
[docs]def gen_params_string(stack, layer=1): """ Generate the string of simulation info that is to be printed \ at the top of plots. """ param_layer = stack[0].layers[layer].structure # Plot t,r,a for each layer & total, then save each to text files if isinstance(param_layer, objects.NanoStruct): params_2_print = 'ff = %5.3f, '% param_layer.ff params_2_print += 'd = %(period)d, a1 = %(diameter)d, '% { 'period' : param_layer.period, 'diameter' : param_layer.diameter1,} if param_layer.diameter2 != 0: params_2_print += 'a2 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter2,} if param_layer.periodicity == '2D_array': if param_layer.diameter3 != 0: params_2_print += 'a3 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter3,} if param_layer.diameter4 != 0: params_2_print += 'a4 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter4,} if param_layer.diameter5 != 0: params_2_print += '\na5 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter5,} if param_layer.diameter6 != 0: params_2_print += 'a6 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter6,} if param_layer.diameter7 != 0: params_2_print += 'a7 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter7,} if param_layer.diameter8 != 0: params_2_print += 'a8 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter8,} if param_layer.diameter9 != 0: params_2_print += 'a9 = %(rad)d \n'% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter9,} if param_layer.diameter10 != 0: params_2_print += 'a10 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter10,} if param_layer.diameter11 != 0: params_2_print += 'a11 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter11,} if param_layer.diameter12 != 0: params_2_print += 'a12 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter12,} if param_layer.diameter13 != 0: params_2_print += 'a13 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter13,} if param_layer.diameter14 != 0: params_2_print += 'a14 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter14,} if param_layer.diameter15 != 0: params_2_print += 'a15 = %(rad)d '% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter15,} if param_layer.diameter16 != 0: params_2_print += 'a16 = %(rad)d \n'% {'rad' : param_layer.diameter16,} if param_layer.inc_shape == 'square': params_2_print += '\nSquare ins ' if param_layer.inc_shape == 'ellipse': params_2_print += '\nEllipticity = %(rad)5.3f '% {'rad' : param_layer.ellipticity} elif param_layer.periodicity == '1D_array': params_2_print += '' params_2_print += '%(BMs)dBMs, PW_radius = %(PWs)d, '% \ {'BMs' : stack[0].layers[layer].num_BMs, \ 'PWs' : stack[0].layers[layer].max_order_PWs} else: params_2_print = 'PW_radius = %(PWs)d, ' \ % {'PWs' : stack[0].layers[layer].max_order_PWs, } # light = stack[0].layers[layer].light # k_pll = light.k_pll * param_layer.period # params_2_print += r'$k_\parallel d$ = ' # tmp3 = '(%(kx)1.4f, %(ky)1.4f), '% {'kx' : k_pll[0], 'ky' : k_pll[1]} # params_2_print += r'$\theta$ = %(theta)6.2f, $\phi$ = %(phi)6.2f, '% { # 'theta' : light.theta,'phi' : light.phi, } return params_2_print ############################################################################### #### Standard plotting of spectra #############################################
[docs]def t_r_a_plots(stacks_list, xvalues=None, xlabel='', params_layer=1, active_layer_nu=1, stack_label=1, ult_eta=False, J_sc=False, weight_spec=False, extinct=False, add_height=0, add_name='', save_pdf=True, save_txt=False, set_y_lim=True, label_eV=False): """ Plot t, r, a for each layer & in total. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: xvalues (list): The values stacks_list is to be plotted as a \ function of. params_layer (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer for \ which the geometric parameters are put in the title of \ the plots. active_layer_nu (int): The index in stacks_list (from bottom) \ of the layer for which the ult_eta and/or J_sc are calculated. stack_label (int): Label to differentiate plots of different \ :Stack:s. ult_eta (bool): If True; calculate the 'ultimate efficiency'. J_sc (bool): If True; calculate the idealised short circuit \ current. weight_spec (bool): If True; plot t, r, a spectra weighted by \ the ASTM 1.5 solar spectrum. extinct (bool): If True; calculate the extinction ratio in \ transmission. add_height (float): Print the heights of :Stack: layer in title. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. save_pdf (bool): If True; save spectra as pdf files. \ True by default. save_txt (bool): If True; save spectra data to text \ files. set_y_lim (bool): If True; set y limits to (0,1). label_eV (bool): If True; add energy label in eV. """ height_list = stacks_list[0].heights_nm()[::-1] params_2_print = gen_params_string(stacks_list, params_layer) params_2_print += '\n'r'$h_t,...,h_b$ = ' params_2_print += ''.join('%4f, ' % num for num in height_list) if xvalues == None: if stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.wl_nm != stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.wl_nm: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' elif set(stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.k_pll) != set(stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.k_pll): xvalues = [np.sqrt(s.layers[0].light.k_pll[0]**2 + s.layers[0].light.k_pll[1]**2) for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$|k_\parallel|$' else: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' print "t_r_a_plots is guessing you have a single wavelength, else specify xvalues." if add_height!=0: add_name += "_" + zeros_int_str(add_height) stack_label = zeros_int_str(stack_label) a_list = [] t_list = [] r_list = [] for stack in stacks_list: a_list.extend(stack.a_list) t_list.extend(stack.t_list) r_list.extend(stack.r_list) layers_steps = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - 1 a_tot = [] t_tot = [] r_tot = [] for i in range(len(xvalues)): a_tot.append(float(a_list[layers_steps-1+(i*layers_steps)])) t_tot.append(float(t_list[layers_steps-1+(i*layers_steps)])) r_tot.append(float(r_list[i])) if ult_eta is True or J_sc is True: active_abs = [] active_layer_nu = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - active_layer_nu - 1 if not 0 < active_layer_nu < len(stacks_list[0].layers)-1: raise ValueError, "active_layer_nu must refer to a finite layer." for i in range(len(xvalues)): active_abs.append(float(a_list[active_layer_nu - 1 + i*layers_steps])) out = [] if ult_eta is True: Efficiency = ult_efficiency(active_abs, xvalues, params_2_print=params_2_print, stack_label=stack_label, add_name=add_name) params_2_print += r'$\eta$ = %(Efficiency)6.2f' % {'Efficiency': Efficiency*100, } params_2_print += ' %' out.append(Efficiency) if J_sc is True: J = J_short_circuit(active_abs, xvalues, params_2_print=params_2_print, stack_label=stack_label, add_name=add_name) params_2_print += r'$J_{sc}$ = %(J)6.2f'% {'J' : J, } params_2_print += r' mA/cm$^2$' out.append(J) if save_txt is True or save_pdf is True: total_h = sum(stacks_list[0].heights_nm()) # look at first wl result to find h. # Plot t,r,a for each layer. layers_plot('Lay_Absorb', a_list, xvalues, xlabel, total_h, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, save_pdf, save_txt, label_eV, set_y_lim) layers_plot('Lay_Trans', t_list, xvalues, xlabel, total_h, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, save_pdf, save_txt, label_eV, set_y_lim) layers_plot('Lay_Reflec', r_list, xvalues, xlabel, total_h, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, save_pdf, save_txt, label_eV, set_y_lim) # Plot total t,r,a on a single plot. if save_pdf == True: plot_name = 'Total_Spectra' total_tra_plot(plot_name, a_tot, t_tot, r_tot, xvalues, xlabel, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, label_eV, set_y_lim) if weight_spec == True: # Plot totals weighted by solar irradiance. Irrad_spec_file = '../backend/data/ASTMG173' i_data = np.loadtxt('%s.txt' % Irrad_spec_file) i_spec = np.interp(xvalues, i_data[:,0], i_data[:,3]) bandgap_wl = xvalues[-1] weighting = i_spec/i_spec.max()*(xvalues/bandgap_wl) a_weighted = a_tot*weighting t_weighted = t_tot*weighting r_weighted = r_tot*weighting plot_name = 'Weighted_Total_Spectra' total_tra_plot(plot_name, a_weighted, t_weighted, r_weighted, xvalues, xlabel, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, label_eV, set_y_lim) if extinct == True: extinction_plot(t_tot, xvalues, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name) if J_sc == True: return out elif ult_eta == True: return out else: return
[docs]def layers_plot(spectra_name, spec_list, xvalues, xlabel, total_h, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, save_pdf, save_txt, label_eV, set_y_lim): """ Plots one type of spectrum across all layers. Is called from t_r_a_plots. """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12)) nu_layers = len(spec_list)/len(xvalues) h_array = np.ones(len(xvalues))*total_h for i in range(nu_layers): layer_spec = [] for wl in range(len(xvalues)): layer_spec = np.append(layer_spec, spec_list[wl*nu_layers + i]) av_array = zip(xvalues, layer_spec, h_array) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(nu_layers, 1, i+1) ax1.plot(xvalues, layer_spec, linewidth=linesstrength) if label_eV == True: ax2 = ax1.twiny() new_tick_values = np.linspace(10, 0.5, 20) new_tick_locations = tick_function(new_tick_values) new_tick_labels = ["%.1f" % z for z in new_tick_values] ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xticklabels(new_tick_labels) ax2.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if i == 0: if xlabel == r'$\lambda$ (nm)' and label_eV == True: ax2.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)') elif i == nu_layers-1: ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel('Total') if i != 0 and label_eV == True: ax2.set_xticklabels( () ) if i != nu_layers-1: ax1.set_xticklabels( () ) if spectra_name == 'Lay_Absorb': if i == 0: ax1.set_ylabel('Top Layer') if i == nu_layers - 2: ax1.set_ylabel('Bottom Layer') suptitle_w_params = 'Absorptance in each layer' + add_name + \ '\n' + params_2_print plt.suptitle(suptitle_w_params, fontsize = title_font) lay_spec_name = 'Lay_Absorb' if i == nu_layers-1: ax1.set_ylabel('Total') lay_spec_name = 'Absorptance' if set_y_lim==True: plt.ylim((0, 1)) elif spectra_name == 'Lay_Trans': if i == 0: ax1.set_ylabel('Top Layer') if i == nu_layers-2: ax1.set_ylabel('Bottom Layer') suptitle_w_params = 'Transmittance in each layer'+add_name+'\n'+params_2_print plt.suptitle(suptitle_w_params,fontsize=title_font) lay_spec_name = 'Lay_Trans' if i == nu_layers-1: ax1.set_ylabel('Total') lay_spec_name = 'Transmittance' if set_y_lim==True: plt.ylim((0, 1)) elif spectra_name == 'Lay_Reflec': if i == 0: ax1.set_ylabel('Top Layer') if i == nu_layers-3: ax1.set_ylabel('Bottom Layer') if i == nu_layers-2: ax1.set_ylabel('Substrate') suptitle_w_params = 'Reflectance in each layer'+add_name+'\n'+params_2_print plt.suptitle(suptitle_w_params,fontsize=title_font) lay_spec_name = 'Lay_Reflec' if i == nu_layers-1: ax1.set_ylabel('Total') lay_spec_name = 'Reflectance' if set_y_lim==True: plt.ylim((0, 1)) ax1.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if save_txt == True: if i != nu_layers-1: np.savetxt('%(s)s_%(i)i_stack%(bon)s%(add)s.txt'% \ {'s' : lay_spec_name, 'i' : i, 'bon' : stack_label, \ 'add' : add_name}, av_array, fmt = '%18.11f') else: np.savetxt('%(s)s_stack%(bon)s%(add)s.txt'% \ {'s' : lay_spec_name, 'bon' : stack_label, \ 'add' : add_name}, av_array, fmt = '%18.11f') if save_pdf == True: plt.savefig('%(s)s_stack%(bon)s%(add)s'% \ {'s': spectra_name, 'bon': stack_label, 'add' : add_name})
[docs]def total_tra_plot(plot_name, a_spec, t_spec, r_spec, xvalues, xlabel, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, label_eV, set_y_lim): """ Plots total t, r, a spectra on one plot. Is called from t_r_a_plots, t_r_a_plots_subs """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) ax1.plot(xvalues, a_spec, linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_ylabel('Absorptance') ax1.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if label_eV == True: ax2 = ax1.twiny() new_tick_values = np.linspace(10, 0.5, 20) new_tick_locations = tick_function(new_tick_values) new_tick_labels = ["%.1f" % z for z in new_tick_values] ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xticklabels(new_tick_labels) ax2.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if xlabel == r'$\lambda$ (nm)': ax2.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)') if set_y_lim==True: plt.ylim((0, 1)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) ax1.plot(xvalues, t_spec, linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_ylabel('Transmittance') ax1.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if label_eV == True: ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.set_xticklabels( () ) ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if set_y_lim==True: plt.ylim((0, 1)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) ax1.plot(xvalues, r_spec, linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel('Reflectance') ax1.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if label_eV == True: ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.set_xticklabels( () ) ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xlim((xvalues[0], xvalues[-1])) if set_y_lim==True: plt.ylim((0, 1)) plt.suptitle(params_2_print, fontsize=title_font) # plt.suptitle(plot_name+add_name+'\n'+params_2_print) plt.savefig('%(s)s_stack%(bon)s%(add)s'% \ {'s': plot_name, 'bon': stack_label, 'add': add_name}) ############################################################################### #### Plot spectra indicating Wood anomalies in substrate ######################
[docs]def t_r_a_plots_subs(stacks_list, wavelengths, period, sub_n, params_layer=1, active_layer_nu=1, stack_label=1, ult_eta=False, J_sc=False, weight_spec=False, extinct=False, add_name=''): """ Plot t, r, a indicating Wood anomalies in substrate for each layer \ & total. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. wavelengths (list): The wavelengths corresponding to stacks_list. period (float): Period of :Stack:s. sub_n (float): Refractive index of the substrate in which Wood \ anomalies are considered. Keyword Args: params_layer (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer for \ which the geometric parameters are put in the title of \ the plots. active_layer_nu (int): The index in stacks_list (from bottom) \ of the layer for which the ult_eta and/or J_sc are calculated. stack_label (int): Label to differentiate plots of different \ :Stack:s. ult_eta (bool): If True, calculate the 'ultimate efficiency'. J_sc (bool): If True, calculate the idealised short circuit \ current. weight_spec (bool): If True, plot t, r, a spectra weighted by \ the ASTM 1.5 solar spectrum. extinct (bool): If True, calculate the extinction ratio in \ transmission. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. """ height_list = stacks_list[0].heights_nm()[::-1] params_2_print = gen_params_string(stacks_list, params_layer) params_2_print += '\n'r'$h_t,...,h_b$ = ' params_2_print += ''.join('%4d, ' % num for num in height_list) stack_label = zeros_int_str(stack_label) a_list = [] t_list = [] r_list = [] for stack in stacks_list: a_list.extend(stack.a_list) t_list.extend(stack.t_list) r_list.extend(stack.r_list) layers_steps = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - 1 a_tot = [] t_tot = [] r_tot = [] for i in range(len(wavelengths)): a_tot.append(float(a_list[layers_steps-1+(i*layers_steps)])) t_tot.append(float(t_list[layers_steps-1+(i*layers_steps)])) r_tot.append(float(r_list[i])) if ult_eta == True or J_sc == True: active_abs = [] active_layer_nu = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - active_layer_nu - 1 if not 0 < active_layer_nu < len(stacks_list[0].layers)-1: raise ValueError, "active_layer_nu must refer to a finite layer." for i in range(len(xvalues)): active_abs.append(float(a_list[active_layer_nu - 1 + \ i*layers_steps])) if ult_eta == True: Efficiency = ult_efficiency(active_abs, wavelengths, params_2_print=params_2_print, stack_label=stack_label, add_name=add_name) params_2_print += r'$\eta$ = %(Efficiency)6.2f'% {'Efficiency' : Efficiency*100, } params_2_print += ' %' if J_sc == True: J = J_short_circuit(active_abs, wavelengths, params_2_print=params_2_print, stack_label=stack_label, add_name=add_name) params_2_print += r'$J_{sc}$ = %(J)6.2f'% {'J' : J, } params_2_print += r' mA/cm$^2$' # Plot total t,r,a on a single plot indicating Wood anomalies plot_name = 'Total_Spectra_subs' total_tra_plot_subs(plot_name, a_tot, t_tot, r_tot, wavelengths, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, period, sub_n) if weight_spec == True: # Also plot totals weighted by solar irradiance Irrad_spec_file = '../backend/data/ASTMG173' i_data = np.loadtxt('%s.txt' % Irrad_spec_file) i_spec = np.interp(wavelengths, i_data[:,0], i_data[:,3]) bandgap_wl = wavelengths[-1] weighting = i_spec/i_spec.max()*(wavelengths/bandgap_wl) a_weighted = a_tot*weighting t_weighted = t_tot*weighting r_weighted = r_tot*weighting plot_name = 'Weighted_Total_Spectra_subs' total_tra_plot_subs(plot_name, a_weighted, t_weighted, r_weighted, wavelengths, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, period, sub_n) if extinct == True: extinction_plot(t_tot, wavelengths, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name) if ult_eta == True or J_sc == True: del active_abs return
[docs]def total_tra_plot_subs(plot_name, a_spec, t_spec, r_spec, wavelengths, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name, period, sub_n): """ Plots total t, r, a spectra with lines at first 6 Wood anomalies. Is called from t_r_a_plots_subs """ t_WA_01 = sub_n * period t_WA_11 = sub_n * period / np.sqrt(2) t_WA_20 = sub_n * period / 2 t_WA_21 = sub_n * period / np.sqrt(5) t_WA_22 = sub_n * period / np.sqrt(8) t_WA_30 = sub_n * period / 3 r_WA_01 = period r_WA_11 = period / np.sqrt(2) r_WA_20 = period / 2 r_WA_21 = period / np.sqrt(5) r_WA_22 = period / np.sqrt(8) sub_line01 = [t_WA_01, t_WA_01] sub_line11 = [t_WA_11, t_WA_11] sub_line20 = [t_WA_20, t_WA_20] sub_line21 = [t_WA_21, t_WA_21] sub_line22 = [t_WA_22, t_WA_22] sub_line30 = [t_WA_30, t_WA_30] sup_line01 = [r_WA_01, r_WA_01] sup_line11 = [r_WA_11, r_WA_11] sup_line20 = [r_WA_20, r_WA_20] sup_line21 = [r_WA_21, r_WA_21] sup_line22 = [r_WA_22, r_WA_22] v_line = [0, 1] fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) ax1.plot(wavelengths, a_spec) ax1.plot(sub_line01, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line11, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line20, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line21, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line22, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line30, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line01, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line11, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line20, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line21, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line22, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_ylabel('Absorptance') ax1.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) ax2 = ax1.twiny() new_tick_values = np.linspace(10, 0.5, 20) new_tick_locations = tick_function(new_tick_values) new_tick_labels = ["%.1f" % z for z in new_tick_values] ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xticklabels(new_tick_labels) ax2.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) ax2.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)') plt.ylim((0, 1)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) ax1.plot(wavelengths, t_spec) ax1.plot(sub_line01, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line11, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line20, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line21, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line22, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line30, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line01, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line11, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line20, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line21, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line22, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_ylabel('Transmittance') ax1.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.set_xticklabels( () ) ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) plt.ylim((0, 1)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) ax1.plot(wavelengths, r_spec) ax1.plot(sub_line01, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line11, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line20, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line21, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line22, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sub_line30, v_line, 'k', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line01, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line11, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line20, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line21, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.plot(sup_line22, v_line, 'r', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_ylabel('Reflectance') ax1.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.set_xticklabels( () ) ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) plt.ylim((0, 1)) plt.suptitle(params_2_print,fontsize=title_font) # plt.suptitle(plot_name+add_name+'\n'+params_2_print) plt.savefig('%(s)s_stack%(bon)s__%(add)s'% {'s' : plot_name, 'bon' : stack_label,'add' : add_name}) ############################################################################### #### Save J_sc & ult efficiency w/o spectra ###################################
[docs]def J_sc_eta_NO_plots(stacks_list, wavelengths, params_layer=1, active_layer_nu=1, stack_label=1, add_name=''): """ Calculate J_sc & ultimate efficiency but do not save or plot spectra. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. wavelengths (list): The wavelengths corresponding to stacks_list. Keyword Args: params_layer (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer for \ which the geometric parameters are put in the title of \ the plots. active_layer_nu (int): The index in stacks_list (from bottom) \ of the layer for which the ult_eta and/or J_sc are calculated. stack_label (int): Label to differentiate plots of different \ :Stack:s. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. """ height_list = stacks_list[0].heights_nm()[::-1] params_2_print = gen_params_string(stacks_list, params_layer) params_2_print += '\n'r'$h_t,...,h_b$ = ' params_2_print += ''.join('%4d, ' % num for num in height_list) stack_label = zeros_int_str(stack_label) a_list = [] for stack in stacks_list: a_list.extend(stack.a_list) layers_steps = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - 1 active_abs = [] active_layer_nu = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - active_layer_nu - 1 if not 0 < active_layer_nu < len(stacks_list[0].layers)-1: raise ValueError, "active_layer_nu must refer to a finite layer." for i in range(len(wavelengths)): active_abs.append(float(a_list[active_layer_nu - 1 + i*layers_steps])) Efficiency = ult_efficiency(active_abs, wavelengths, params_2_print=params_2_print, stack_label=stack_label, add_name=add_name) J = J_short_circuit(active_abs, wavelengths, params_2_print=params_2_print, stack_label=stack_label, add_name=add_name) return ############################################################################### #### Saving spectra to files ##################################################
[docs]def t_r_a_write_files(stacks_list, wavelengths, stack_label=1, add_name=''): """ Save t, r, a for each layer & total in text files. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. wavelengths (list): The wavelengths corresponding to stacks_list. Keyword Args: stack_label (int): Label to differentiate plots of different \ :Stack:s. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. """ stack_label = zeros_int_str(stack_label) a_list = [] t_list = [] r_list = [] for stack in stacks_list: a_list.extend(stack.a_list) t_list.extend(stack.t_list) r_list.extend(stack.r_list) layers_steps = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - 1 a_tot = [] t_tot = [] r_tot = [] for i in range(len(wavelengths)): a_tot.append(float(a_list[layers_steps-1+(i*layers_steps)])) t_tot.append(float(t_list[layers_steps-1+(i*layers_steps)])) r_tot.append(float(r_list[i])) total_h = sum(stacks_list[0].heights_nm()) # look at first wl result to find h. layers_print('Lay_Absorb', a_list, wavelengths, total_h, stack_label) layers_print('Lay_Trans', t_list, wavelengths, total_h, stack_label) layers_print('Lay_Reflec', r_list, wavelengths, total_h, stack_label)
[docs]def layers_print(spectra_name, spec_list, wavelengths, total_h, stack_label=1, add_name=''): """ Save spectra to text files. Is called from t_r_a_write_files. """ nu_layers = len(spec_list)/len(wavelengths) h_array = np.ones(len(wavelengths))*total_h for i in range(nu_layers): layer_spec = [] for wl in range(len(wavelengths)): layer_spec = np.append(layer_spec,spec_list[wl*nu_layers + i]) if spectra_name == 'Lay_Absorb': lay_spec_name = 'Lay_Absorb' if i == nu_layers-1: lay_spec_name = 'Absorptance' elif spectra_name == 'Lay_Trans': lay_spec_name = 'Lay_Trans' if i == nu_layers-1: lay_spec_name = 'Transmittance' elif spectra_name == 'Lay_Reflec': lay_spec_name = 'Lay_Reflec' if i == nu_layers-1: lay_spec_name = 'Reflectance' av_array = zip(wavelengths, layer_spec, h_array) if i != nu_layers-1: np.savetxt('%(s)s_%(i)i_stack%(bon)s%(add)s.txt'% {'s' : lay_spec_name, 'i' : i, 'bon' : stack_label,'add' : add_name}, av_array, fmt = '%18.11f') else: np.savetxt('%(s)s_stack%(bon)s%(add)s.txt'% {'s' : lay_spec_name, 'bon' : stack_label,'add' : add_name}, av_array, fmt = '%18.11f') ############################################################################### #### Plot spectra on other scales #############################################
[docs]def extinction_plot(t_spec, wavelengths, params_2_print, stack_label, add_name): """ Plot extinction ratio in transmission extinct = log_10(1/t). """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) extinciton = np.log10(1.0/np.array(t_spec)) ax1.plot(wavelengths, extinciton, linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_ylabel('Extinction') plot_name = 'Extinction' plt.suptitle(plot_name + add_name + '\n' + params_2_print, \ fontsize = title_font) plt.savefig('%(s)s_stack%(bon)s_%(add)s'% \ {'s' : plot_name, 'bon' : stack_label,'add' : add_name})
[docs]def EOT_plot(stacks_list, wavelengths, pol='TM', params_layer=1, add_name='', savetxt=False): """ Plot T_{00} as in Martin-Moreno PRL 86 2001. Args: pol (str): Take the (0,0) component for TE->TE scattering or the (0,0) component for TM->TM scattering. """ height_list = stacks_list[0].heights_nm()[::-1] params_2_print = gen_params_string(stacks_list, params_layer) params_2_print += r'$h_t,...,h_b$ = ' params_2_print += ''.join('%4d, ' % num for num in height_list) if pol == 'TM': num_pw_per_pol = stacks_list[0].layers[-1].structure.num_pw_per_pol else: num_pw_per_pol = 0 T_00 = [] for i in range(len(wavelengths)): t00 = stacks_list[i].T_net[num_pw_per_pol,num_pw_per_pol] t00c = t00.conjugate() T_00.append(np.real(t00*t00c)) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax1.plot(wavelengths, T_00, linewidth = linesstrength) # ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda/a$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'T$_{00}$') # plt.ylim((0, 0.3)) R_00 = [] for i in range(len(wavelengths)): r00 = stacks_list[i].R_net[num_pw_per_pol,num_pw_per_pol] r00c = r00.conjugate() R_00.append(np.real(r00*r00c)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2) ax1.plot(wavelengths, R_00, linewidth=linesstrength) # ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda/a$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'R$_{00}$') # plt.ylim((0.2, 1.0)) plot_name = 'EOT' plt.suptitle(params_2_print,fontsize=title_font) plt.savefig('%(s)s%(add)s'% {'s' : plot_name, 'add' : add_name}) if savetxt == True: np.savetxt('Trans_%(s)s%(add)s.txt'% {'s' : plot_name, 'add' : add_name}, \ zip(wavelengths, T_00), fmt = '%10.6f') np.savetxt('Refl_%(s)s%(add)s.txt'% {'s' : plot_name, 'add' : add_name}, \ zip(wavelengths, R_00), fmt = '%10.6f') ############################################################################### #### Calculate short circuit current and ultimate efficiency ##################
[docs]def J_short_circuit(active_abs, wavelengths, params_2_print='', stack_label='', add_name=''): """ Calculate the short circuit current J_sc under ASTM 1.5 illumination. Assuming every absorbed photon produces a pair of charge carriers. """ Irrad_spec_file = '../backend/data/ASTMG173' i_data = np.loadtxt('%s.txt' % Irrad_spec_file) i_spec = np.interp(wavelengths, i_data[:, 0], i_data[:, 3]) expression = i_spec*active_abs*wavelengths integral_tmp = np.trapz(expression, x=wavelengths) J = (charge_e/(Plancks_h*speed_c)) * integral_tmp * 1e-10 # in mA/cm^2 nums_2_print = params_2_print.split() np.savetxt('J_sc_stack%(bon)s%(add)s.txt' % {'bon': stack_label, 'add': add_name}, np.array([J]), fmt='%10.6f') return J
[docs]def ult_efficiency(active_abs, wavelengths, bandgap_wl=None, params_2_print='', stack_label='', add_name=''): """ Calculate the photovoltaic ultimate efficiency achieved in the specified active layer. For definition see `Sturmberg et al., Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue S5, pp. A1067-A1081 (2011)\ <>`_. Args: bandgap_wl (float): allows you to set the wavelength equivalent to the bandgap. Else it is assumed to be the maximum wavelength simulated. """ if bandgap_wl is None: bandgap_wl = np.max(wavelengths) Irrad_spec_file = '../backend/data/ASTMG173' i_data = np.loadtxt('%s.txt' % Irrad_spec_file) i_spec = np.interp(wavelengths, i_data[:,0], i_data[:,3]) expression = i_spec*active_abs*wavelengths integral_tmp = np.trapz(expression, x=wavelengths) Efficiency = integral_tmp/(bandgap_wl*ASTM15_tot_I) nums_2_print = params_2_print.split() np.savetxt('Efficiency_stack%(bon)s%(add)s.txt'% {'bon' : stack_label,'add' : add_name},\ np.array([Efficiency]), fmt = '%8.6f') return Efficiency ############################################################################### #### Plot dispersion diagrams & field concentrations function of wavelength ###
[docs]def omega_plot(stacks_list, wavelengths, params_layer=1, stack_label=1): """ Plots the dispersion diagram of each layer in one plot. \ k_z has units nm^-1. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. wavelengths (list): The wavelengths corresponding to stacks_list. Keyword Args: params_layer (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer for \ which the geometric parameters are put in the title of \ the plots. stack_label (int): Label to differentiate plots of different \ :Stack:s. """ params_2_print = gen_params_string(stacks_list, params_layer) stack_label = zeros_int_str(stack_label) period = np.array(stacks_list[0].layers[0].structure.period) normed_omegas = 1/wavelengths*period num_layers = len(stacks_list[0].layers) fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') fig2 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') fig3 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') fig4 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') for l in range(num_layers): ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(num_layers,1,num_layers-l) ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(num_layers,1,num_layers-l) ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(num_layers,1,num_layers-l) ax4 = fig4.add_subplot(num_layers,1,num_layers-l) for i in range(len(wavelengths)): k_zs = stacks_list[i].layers[l].k_z real_k_zs = [] imag_k_zs = [] for k in k_zs: if np.real(k) > np.imag(k): #alternatively np.imag(k)< small real_k_zs.append(np.real(k)) imag_k_zs.append(np.imag(k)) wl = np.ones(len(real_k_zs))*wavelengths[i] ax1.plot(wl,real_k_zs,'bo', linewidth=linesstrength) wl = np.ones(len(imag_k_zs))*wavelengths[i] ax2.plot(wl,imag_k_zs,'ro', linewidth=linesstrength) om = np.ones(len(real_k_zs))*normed_omegas[i] ax3.plot(real_k_zs,om,'bo', linewidth=linesstrength) om = np.ones(len(imag_k_zs))*normed_omegas[i] ax4.plot(imag_k_zs, om,'ro', linewidth=linesstrength) ax1.set_ylabel(r'Real $k_z$ (d)'), ax2.set_ylabel(r'Imaginary $k_z$ (d)') ax3.set_ylabel(r'Frequency ($\omega$d/2$\pi$c)'), ax4.set_ylabel(r'Frequency ($\omega$d/2$\pi$c)') if l == 0: ax1.set_ylabel('Bottom Layer'), ax2.set_ylabel('Bottom Layer') ax3.set_ylabel('Bottom Layer'), ax4.set_ylabel('Bottom Layer') ax3.set_xlabel(r'Real $k_z$ (d)'), ax4.set_xlabel(r'Imaginary $k_z$ (d)') ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)'), ax2.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') # else: # ax1.set_xticklabels( () ) # ax2.set_xticklabels( () ) # ax3.set_xticklabels( () ) # ax4.set_xticklabels( () ) if l == num_layers-1: ax1.set_ylabel('Top Layer'), ax2.set_ylabel('Top Layer') ax3.set_ylabel('Top Layer'), ax4.set_ylabel('Top Layer') ax2.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) ax1.set_xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) # Plot the (dispersive) light line in homogeneous layers. if isinstance(stacks_list[0].layers[l], mode_calcs.Anallo): ns = [stacks_list[i].layers[l].n() for i in range(len(wavelengths))] ax3.plot(np.real(ns)*normed_omegas, normed_omegas,'k', linewidth=linesstrength) fig1.suptitle(r'Real $k_z$'+params_2_print+'\n',fontsize=title_font) fig2.suptitle(r'Imaginary $k_z$'+params_2_print+'\n',fontsize=title_font) fig3.suptitle(r'Real $k_z$'+params_2_print+'\n',fontsize=title_font) fig4.suptitle(r'Imaginary $k_z$'+params_2_print+'\n',fontsize=title_font) fig1.savefig('Disp_Diagram_Re_stack%(bon)s'% {'bon' : stack_label}, bbox_inches='tight') fig2.savefig('Disp_Diagram_Im_stack%(bon)s'% {'bon' : stack_label}, bbox_inches='tight') fig3.savefig('Disp_Diagram_w(k)_Re_stack%(bon)s'% {'bon' : stack_label}, bbox_inches='tight') fig4.savefig('Disp_Diagram_w(k)_Im_stack%(bon)s'% {'bon' : stack_label}, bbox_inches='tight') # Uncomment if you wish to save the dispersion data of a simulation to file. # np.savetxt('Disp_Data_stack%(bon)i.txt'% {'bon' : stack_label}, av_array, fmt = '%18.11f')
[docs]def E_conc_plot(stacks_list, which_layer, which_modes, wavelengths, params_layer=1, stack_label=1): """ Plots the energy concentration (epsilon E_cyl / epsilon E_cell) of given layer. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. which_layer (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer for \ which the energy concentration is to be calculated. which_modes (list): Indices of Bloch modes for which to calculate \ the energy concentration. wavelengths (list): The wavelengths corresponding to stacks_list. Keyword Args: params_layer (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer for \ which the geometric parameters are put in the title of \ the plots. stack_label (int): Label to differentiate plots of different \ :Stack:s. """ params_2_print = gen_params_string(stacks_list, params_layer) stack_label = zeros_int_str(stack_label) if isinstance(stacks_list[0].layers[which_layer], mode_calcs.Simmo): num_layers = len(stacks_list[0].layers) fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(9, 4), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(1,1,1) # Uncomment if you wish to have a continuous curve plotted. # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(1,1,1) # ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(2,1,2) # E_conc = [] for i in range(len(wavelengths)): for mode in which_modes: E_conc_tmp = np.real(stacks_list[i].layers[which_layer].mode_pol[3,mode]) # E_conc.append(E_conc_tmp) ax1.plot(wavelengths[i],E_conc_tmp,'bo', linewidth=linesstrength) plt.xlim((wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1])) ax1.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\epsilon |E_{cyl}| / \epsilon |E_{cell}|$') # ax2.plot(wavelengths,E_conc,'k', linewidth=linesstrength) # ax2.set_xlabel('Wavelength (nm)') # ax2.set_ylabel(r'$E_{cyl} / E_{cell}$') fig1.suptitle('Energy Concentration = ' + r'$E_{cyl} / E_{cell}$' + '\n' + \ params_2_print, fontsize=title_font) fig1.savefig('Energy_Concentration_stack%(bon)s'% {'bon' : stack_label}, \ bbox_inches='tight') else: print "\nERROR: plotting.E_conc_plot; \n" + \ "Can only calculate energy concentration in NanoStruct layers." print repr(stacks_list[0].layers[which_layer]) ############################################################################### #### Visualise scattering Matrices ############################################
[docs]def vis_scat_mats(scat_mat, nu_prop_PWs=0, wl=None, add_name='', max_scale=None): """ Plot given scattering matrix as greyscale images. Args: scat_mat (np.matrix): A scattering matrix, which is \ organised as \ | TE -> TE | TM -> TE | \ | TE -> TM | TM -> TM | Keyword Args: nu_prop_PWs (int): Number of propagating PWs. wl (int): Index in case of calling in a loop. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. max_scale (float): Limit maximum amplitude shown. """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(14, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') if wl != None: add_name = '-wl%(wl)i-%(ti)s' % {'wl' : wl, 'ti' : add_name} for i in [1,2]: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,i) if i==1: image = abs(np.real(scat_mat)) if i==2: image = abs(np.imag(scat_mat)) if max_scale != None: mat = ax1.matshow(image, vmax = max_scale, else: mat = ax1.matshow(image, scat_mat_dim_x = np.shape(scat_mat)[0] scat_mat_dim_y = np.shape(scat_mat)[1] half_dim_x = scat_mat_dim_x/2-0.5 half_dim_y = scat_mat_dim_y/2-0.5 ax1.plot([-0.5, scat_mat_dim_x-0.5],[half_dim_y,half_dim_y],'w', linewidth=2) ax1.plot([half_dim_x,half_dim_x],[-0.5, scat_mat_dim_y-0.5],'w', linewidth=2) ax1.axis([-0.5, scat_mat_dim_y-0.5, scat_mat_dim_x-0.5, -0.5]) ax1.set_xticks([half_dim_y/2, scat_mat_dim_y-half_dim_y/2],['TE', 'TM']) ax1.set_yticks([half_dim_x/2, scat_mat_dim_x-half_dim_x/2],['TE', 'TM']) # proping = [] # half_k = k_array[0:len(k_array)/2] # for i in range(len(half_k)): # if np.real(half_k[i])>0: proping.append(i) # print max(proping) ax1.plot([-0.5, scat_mat_dim_y-0.5],[nu_prop_PWs-0.5,nu_prop_PWs-0.5],'r', linewidth=1) ax1.plot([nu_prop_PWs-0.5,nu_prop_PWs-0.5],[-0.5, scat_mat_dim_x-0.5],'r', linewidth=1) ax1.plot([-0.5, scat_mat_dim_y-0.5],[half_dim_x+nu_prop_PWs,half_dim_x+nu_prop_PWs],'r', linewidth=1) ax1.plot([half_dim_y+nu_prop_PWs,half_dim_y+nu_prop_PWs],[-0.5, scat_mat_dim_x-0.5],'r', linewidth=1) cbar = fig.colorbar(mat,extend='neither') if i==1:'|Real(matrix)|', fontsize=14) if i==2:'|Imag(matrix)|', fontsize=14) # if i==1: ax1.set_title('|Re(matrix)|', fontsize=14) # if i==2: ax1.set_title('|Imag(matrix)|', fontsize=14) ax1.set_xticklabels('') ax1.set_yticklabels('') ax1.set_xlabel('TE | TM \n Incoming Orders', fontsize=14) ax1.set_ylabel('Outgoing Orders \nTM | TE', fontsize=14) plt.suptitle('Scattering Matrices' + add_name) plt.savefig('Scat_mat' + add_name)
[docs]def vis_matrix(scat_mat, add_name='', max_scale=None, only_real=False): """ Plot given matrix as a greyscale image. Args: scat_mat (np.matrix): A matrix. Keyword Args: add_name (str): Add add_name to title. max_scale (float): Limit maximum amplitude shown. only_real (bool): Only plot the real part of matrix. """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') if only_real == True: real_im = [1] else: real_im = [1,2] for i in real_im: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,len(real_im),i) if i==1: image = abs(np.real(scat_mat)) if i==2: image = abs(np.imag(scat_mat)) if max_scale != None: mat = ax1.matshow(image, vmax = max_scale, else: mat = ax1.matshow(image, cbar = fig.colorbar(mat,extend='neither') if i==1:'|Re(matrix)|', fontsize=14) if i==2:'|Im(matrix)|', fontsize=14) ax1.set_xticklabels('') ax1.set_yticklabels('') # ax1.set_xlabel('TE | TM \n Incoming Orders', fontsize=14) # ax1.set_ylabel('Outgoing Orders \nTM | TE', fontsize=14) plt.suptitle(add_name) plt.savefig('Matrix' + add_name) ############################################################################### #### Plot PW amplitudes function k-vector #####################################
[docs]def t_func_k_plot_1D(stacks_list, lay_interest=0, pol='TE'): """ PW amplitudes in transmission as a function of their in-plane k-vector. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: lay_interest (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer in \ which amplitudes are calculated. pol (str): Include transmission in Which polarisation. """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom vec_index = len(stacks_list[0].layers) - lay_interest - 1 ## Old code if selecting betas = beta0 + 0 value out of 2D PW basis. # # Create arrays of grating order indexes (-p, ..., p) # max_ords = stacks_list[0].layers[-1].max_order_PWs # pxs = np.arange(-max_ords, max_ords + 1) store_alphas = [] store_k_trans = [] for stack in stacks_list: n_PW_p_pols = stack.layers[0].structure.num_pw_per_pol sort_order = stack.layers[lay_interest].sort_order select_trans = abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][0:n_PW_p_pols]) store_alphas = np.append(store_alphas,stack.layers[lay_interest].alphas[sort_order]) store_k_trans = np.append(store_k_trans,select_trans) ## Old code if selecting betas = beta0 + 0 value out of 2D PW basis. # k0 = stack.layers[0].k() # # Calculate k_x that correspond to k_y = beta0 (in normalized units) # alpha0, beta0 = stack.layers[0].k_pll_norm() # alphas = alpha0 + pxs * 2 * np.pi # on_axis_kzs = sqrt(k0**2 - alphas**2 - beta0**2) # full_k_space = stack.layers[0].k_z # # consider singular polarisation # n_PW_p_pols = stack.layers[0].structure.num_pw_per_pol # one_pol_k_space = full_k_space[0:n_PW_p_pols] # axis_indices = [] # for a in on_axis_kzs: # ix = np.in1d(one_pol_k_space.ravel(), a).reshape(one_pol_k_space.shape) # axis_indices = np.append(axis_indices, np.ravel(np.array(np.where(ix)))) # axis_indices = axis_indices.astype(int) # # Outgoing TE polarisation # if pol=='TE': trans_k = np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][0:n_PW_p_pols]).reshape(-1,) # # Outgoing TM polarisation # if pol=='TM': trans_k = np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols-1:-1]).reshape(-1,) # trans_k_array = np.array(trans_k).reshape(-1,) # select_trans = trans_k_array[axis_indices] # store_alphas = np.append(store_alphas,alphas) # store_k_trans = np.append(store_k_trans,select_trans) sort_indices = np.argsort(store_alphas) plot_alphas = store_alphas[sort_indices] plot_k_trans = store_k_trans[sort_indices] ax1.plot(plot_alphas,plot_k_trans, linewidth=1.5) min_k_label = np.max(np.abs(plot_alphas)) k0 = abs(stack.layers[lay_interest].k()) min_k_l_k0 = np.max(np.abs(plot_alphas))/k0 n_H = max_n(stacks_list) new_tick_values = [-min_k_label, -n_H*k0, -k0, 0, k0, n_H*k0, min_k_label] new_tick_labels = [r"$-%ik_0$"%min_k_l_k0,r'$-n_Hk_0$',r'$-k_0$',r'0', r'$k_0$',r'$n_Hk_0$',r"$%ik_0$"%min_k_l_k0] ax1.set_xticks(new_tick_values) ax1.set_xticklabels(new_tick_labels) ax1.set_xlim(-min_k_label,min_k_label) ax1.set_xlabel(r'$k_\parallel$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$|E|$') plt.savefig('k_vector_excitation-lay_%s' % lay_interest, bbox_inches='tight') ############################################################################### #### Plot amplitudes of modes #################################################
[docs]def BM_amplitudes(stacks_list, xvalues=None, chosen_BMs=None, lay_interest=1, up_and_down=True, add_height=None, add_name='', save_pdf=True, save_npz=False, save_txt=False): """ Plot the amplitudes of Bloch modes in selected layer. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: xvalues (list): The values stacks_list is to be plotted as a \ function of. chosen_BMs (list): Bloch Modes to include, identified by their \ indices in the scattering matrices (order most propagating \ to most evanescent) eg. [0,2,4]. lay_interest (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer in \ which amplitudes are calculated. up_and_down (bool): Average the amplitudes of up & downward \ propagating modes. Else include only downward in all layers\ except for the superstrate where include only upward. add_height (float): Print the heights of :Stack: layer in title. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. save_pdf (bool): If True save spectra as pdf files. \ True by default. save_npz (bool): If True, saves lists of BM amplitudes to file. save_txt (bool): If True, saves lists of BM amps to txt file. """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom vec_index = len(stacks_list[-1].layers) - lay_interest - 1 xlabel = 'xvalues' if xvalues==None: if stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.wl_nm != stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.wl_nm: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' elif set(stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.k_pll) != set(stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.k_pll): xvalues = [np.sqrt(s.layers[0].light.k_pll[0]**2 + s.layers[0].light.k_pll[1]**2) for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$|k_\parallel|$' else: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' print "BM_amplitudes is guessing you have a single wavelength, else specify xvalues." if chosen_BMs == None: chosen_BMs = range(stacks_list[-1].layers[lay_interest].num_BMs) try: save_trans = [] for BM in chosen_BMs: store_trans = [] for stack in stacks_list: if not isinstance(stack.layers[lay_interest],objects.Simmo): raise ValueError trans = np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][BM]) if up_and_down == True: # Take average of up & downward propagating modes. trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_up[vec_index][BM]) store_trans = np.append(store_trans,trans/2) else: store_trans = np.append(store_trans,trans) if save_pdf == True: ax1.plot(xvalues,store_trans, label="BM %i" % BM) if save_npz == True or save_txt == True: save_trans.append(store_trans) if save_pdf == True or save_npz == True or save_txt == True: if add_height!= None: add_name += '_' + zeros_int_str(add_height) add_name = str(lay_interest) + add_name if save_pdf == True: handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() lgd = ax1.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0,0.5)) ax1.set_ylabel('BM Amplitude') ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) plt.suptitle(add_name) plt.savefig('BM_amplitudes-lay_%s' % add_name, \ fontsize=title_font, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') if save_npz == True: np.savez('BM_amplitudes-lay_%s' % add_name, save_trans=save_trans) if save_txt == True: np.savetxt('BM_amplitudes-lay_%s.txt' % add_name, \ save_trans, fmt = '%18.11f') except ValueError: print "BM_amplitudes only works in NanoStruct layers."\ "\nPlease select lay_interest !=%i.\n" % lay_interest
[docs]def PW_amplitudes(stacks_list, xvalues=None, chosen_PWs=None, lay_interest=0, up_and_down=True, add_height=None, add_name='', save_pdf=True, save_npz=False, save_txt=False): """ Plot the amplitudes of plane wave orders in selected layer. Assumes dealing with 1D grating and only have 1D diffraction orders. Takes the average of up & downward propagating modes. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: xvalues (list): The values stacks_list is to be plotted as a \ function of. chosen_PWs (list): PW diffraction orders to include. \ eg. [-1,0,2]. If 'None' are given all are plotted. lay_interest (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer in \ which amplitudes are calculated. up_and_down (bool): Average the amplitudes of up & downward \ propagating modes. Else include only downward in all layers\ except for the superstrate where include only upward. add_height (float): Print the heights of :Stack: layer in title. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. save_pdf (bool): If True save spectra as pdf files. \ True by default. save_npz (bool): If True, saves lists of PW amplitudes to file. save_txt (bool): If True, saves lists of PW amps to txt file. """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom vec_index = len(stacks_list[-1].layers) - lay_interest - 1 if chosen_PWs == None: # Create arrays of grating order indexes (-p, ..., p) max_ords = stacks_list[0].layers[-1].max_order_PWs chosen_PWs = np.arange(-max_ords, max_ords + 1) xlabel = 'xvalues' if xvalues==None: if stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.wl_nm != stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.wl_nm: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' elif set(stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.k_pll) != set(stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.k_pll): xvalues = [np.sqrt(s.layers[0].light.k_pll[0]**2 + s.layers[0].light.k_pll[1]**2) for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$|k_\parallel|$' else: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' print "PW_amplitudes is guessing you have a single wavelength, else specify xvalues." try: save_trans = [] for pxs in chosen_PWs: store_trans = [] for stack in stacks_list: if not isinstance(stack.layers[lay_interest],objects.Anallo): raise ValueError k0 = stack.layers[0].k() n_PW_p_pols = stack.layers[0].structure.num_pw_per_pol # Calculate k_x that correspond to k_y = beta0 = 0 (in normalized units) alpha0, beta0 = stack.layers[0].k_pll_norm() alphas = alpha0 + pxs * 2 * np.pi on_axis_kzs = sqrt(k0**2 - alphas**2 - beta0**2) full_k_space = stack.layers[0].k_z # Consider only transmission into singular polarization. one_pol_k_space = full_k_space[0:n_PW_p_pols] ix = np.in1d(one_pol_k_space.ravel(), on_axis_kzs).reshape(one_pol_k_space.shape) axis_indices = np.ravel(np.array(np.where(ix))).astype(int) # Substrate - only ever take downward propagating. if vec_index == len(stacks_list[-1].layers) - 1: # Outgoing TE polarisation trans = np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) # Outgoing TM polarisation trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols+axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) store_trans = np.append(store_trans,trans) # Superstrate - if not up & down then take only upwards propagating. elif vec_index == 0: trans = np.abs(stack.vec_coef_up[vec_index][axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_up[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols+axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) if up_and_down == True: # Take average of up & downward propagating modes. trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols+axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) store_trans = np.append(store_trans,trans/2) else: store_trans = np.append(store_trans,trans) # Finite layer else: trans = np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols+axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) if up_and_down == True: # Take average of up & downward propagating modes. trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_up[vec_index][axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_up[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols+axis_indices]).reshape(-1,) store_trans = np.append(store_trans,trans/2) else: store_trans = np.append(store_trans,trans) if save_pdf == True: ax1.plot(xvalues,store_trans, label="m = %i" % pxs) if save_npz == True or save_txt == True: save_trans.append(store_trans) if save_pdf == True or save_npz == True: if add_height!= None: add_name += '_' + zeros_int_str(add_height) add_name = str(lay_interest) + add_name if save_pdf == True: handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() lgd = ax1.legend(handles, labels, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0,0.5)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$|E|$') ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) plt.suptitle(add_name) plt.savefig('PW_amplitudes-lay_%s' % add_name, \ fontsize=title_font, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') if save_npz == True: np.savez('PW_amplitudes-lay_%s' % add_name, save_trans=save_trans) if save_txt == True: np.savetxt('PW_amplitudes-lay_%s.txt' % add_name, \ save_trans, fmt = '%18.11f') except ValueError: print "PW_amplitudes only works in ThinFilm layers."\ "\nPlease select lay_interest !=%i.\n" % lay_interest
[docs]def evanescent_merit(stacks_list, xvalues=None, chosen_PWs=None, lay_interest=0, add_height=None, add_name='', save_pdf=True, save_txt=False): """ Plot a figure of merit for the 'evanescent-ness' of excited fields. Assumes dealing with 1D grating and only have 1D diffraction orders. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: xvalues (list): The values stacks_list is to be plotted as a \ function of. chosen_PWs (list): PW diffraction orders to include. \ eg. [-1,0,2]. lay_interest (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer in \ which amplitudes are calculated. add_height (float): Print the heights of :Stack: layer in title. add_name (str): Add add_name to title. save_pdf (bool): If True save spectra as pdf files. \ True by default. save_txt (bool): If True, saves average value of \ mean PW order to file. """ # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom vec_index = len(stacks_list[-1].layers) - lay_interest - 1 if chosen_PWs == None: # Create arrays of grating order indexes (-p, ..., p) max_ords = stacks_list[0].layers[-1].max_order_PWs chosen_PWs = np.arange(-max_ords, max_ords + 1) n_H = max_n(stacks_list) xlabel = 'xvalues' if xvalues==None: if stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.wl_nm != stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.wl_nm: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' elif set(stacks_list[0].layers[0].light.k_pll) != set(stacks_list[-1].layers[0].light.k_pll): xvalues = [np.sqrt(s.layers[0].light.k_pll[0]**2 + s.layers[0].light.k_pll[1]**2) for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$|k_\parallel|$' else: xvalues = [s.layers[0].light.wl_nm for s in stacks_list] xlabel = r'$\lambda$ (nm)' print "evanescent_merit is guessing you have a single wavelength, else specify xvalues." store_m_p = [] store_m_ne = [] store_m_fe = [] store_x_p = [] store_x_ne = [] store_x_fe = [] store_tot_amps = [] store_mean_ev = [] s = 0 try: for stack in stacks_list: if not isinstance(stack.layers[lay_interest],objects.Anallo): raise ValueError merit_prop = 0.0 merit_near_ev = 0.0 merit_far_ev = 0.0 sum_p_amps = 0.0 sum_amps = 0.0 for pxs in chosen_PWs: k0 = stack.layers[-1].k() # Incident k0 k = stack.layers[lay_interest].k() # k in film n_PW_p_pols = stack.layers[lay_interest].structure.num_pw_per_pol # Calculate k_x that correspond to k_y = beta0 = 0 (in normalized units) alpha0, beta0 = stack.layers[lay_interest].k_pll_norm() alphas = alpha0 + pxs * 2 * np.pi this_k_pll2 = alphas**2 + beta0**2 on_axis_kzs = sqrt(k**2 - alphas**2 - beta0**2) full_k_space = stack.layers[lay_interest].k_z # Consider only transmission into singular polarization one_pol_k_space = full_k_space[0:n_PW_p_pols] ix = np.in1d(one_pol_k_space.ravel(), on_axis_kzs).reshape(one_pol_k_space.shape) axis_indices = np.ravel(np.array(np.where(ix))).astype(int) # Outgoing TE polarisation trans = np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][axis_indices]) # Outgoing TM polarisation trans += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols +axis_indices]) if np.abs(this_k_pll2) < np.abs(k**2): merit_prop += trans if np.abs(k**2) < np.abs(this_k_pll2) < np.abs((n_H*k0)**2): merit_near_ev += trans if np.abs(this_k_pll2) > np.abs((n_H*k0)**2): merit_far_ev += trans sum_p_amps += np.abs(pxs) * trans sum_amps += np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][axis_indices])**2 + np.abs(stack.vec_coef_down[vec_index][n_PW_p_pols +axis_indices])**2 if merit_prop != 0.0: store_m_p = np.append(store_m_p,merit_prop) store_x_p = np.append(store_x_p,xvalues[s]) if merit_near_ev != 0.0: store_m_ne = np.append(store_m_ne,merit_near_ev) store_x_ne = np.append(store_x_ne,xvalues[s]) if merit_far_ev != 0.0: store_m_fe = np.append(store_m_fe,merit_far_ev) store_x_fe = np.append(store_x_fe,xvalues[s]) s+=1 store_tot_amps = np.append(store_tot_amps,sum_amps) store_mean_ev = np.append(store_mean_ev,sum_p_amps/sum_amps) if add_height!= None: add_name += '_'+zeros_int_str(add_height) add_name = str(lay_interest) + add_name if save_pdf == True: fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1) if len(store_m_p) != 0: ax1.plot(store_x_p,store_m_p, 'b', label="prop") if len(store_m_ne) != 0: ax1.plot(store_x_ne,store_m_ne, 'g', label="near ev") if len(store_m_fe) != 0: ax1.plot(store_x_fe,store_m_fe, 'r', label="far ev") ax1.plot(xvalues, store_mean_ev, 'k', label=r'$\Sigma|p| |a_p| / \Sigma|a_p|$') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax2.plot(xvalues, store_tot_amps, 'k', label="prop") handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() lgd = ax1.legend(handles, labels, ncol=4, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.6)) ax1.set_ylabel('Ev FoM') ax1.set_xticklabels(()) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\Sigma|a_p|^2$') ax2.set_xlabel(xlabel) plt.suptitle(add_name) plt.savefig('evanescent_merit-lay_%s' % add_name, fontsize=title_font, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') if save_txt is True: av_diff = [np.mean(store_m_p)] np.savetxt('prop_diff_order-lay_%s.txt' % add_name, av_diff, fmt='%18.11f') av_diff = [np.mean(store_m_ne)] np.savetxt('near_ev_diff_order-lay_%s.txt' % add_name, av_diff, fmt='%18.11f') av_diff = [np.mean(store_m_fe)] np.savetxt('far_ev_diff_order-lay_%s.txt' % add_name, av_diff, fmt='%18.11f') av_diff = [np.mean(store_mean_ev)] np.savetxt('average_diff_order-lay_%s.txt' % add_name, av_diff, fmt='%18.11f') except ValueError: print "evanescent_merit only works in ThinFilm layers."\ "\nPlease select lay_interest !=%i.\n" % lay_interest ############################################################################### #### Field plotting routines ##################################################
[docs]def fields_in_plane(stacks_list, lay_interest=1, z_values=[0.1, 3.6], nu_calc_pts=51): """ Plot fields in the x-y plane at chosen values of z. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: lay_interest (int): the index of the layer considered within \ the stack. z_values (float): distance in nm from bottom surface of layer \ at which to calculate fields. If layer is semi-inf substrate \ then z_value is distance from top of this layer (i.e. bottom \ interface of stack). nu_calc_pts (int): fields are calculated over a mesh of \ nu_calc_pts * nu_calc_pts points. """ from fortran import EMUstack dir_name = "in_plane_fields" if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) # always make odd if nu_calc_pts % 2 == 0: nu_calc_pts += 1 stack_num = 0 for pstack in stacks_list: z_values = np.array(z_values)/float(pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.period) num_lays = len(pstack.layers) # If selected z location is within a NanoStruct layer # plot fields in Bloch Mode Basis using fortran routine. if isinstance(pstack.layers[lay_interest], mode_calcs.Simmo): meat = pstack.layers[lay_interest] try: if not meat.structure.periodicity == '2D_array': raise ValueError gmsh_file_pos = meat.structure.mesh_file[0:-5] eps = meat.n_effs**2 h_normed = float(meat.structure.height_nm)/float(meat.structure.period) for z_value in z_values: # Fortran routine naturally measure z top down z_value = h_normed - z_value wl_normed = pstack.layers[lay_interest].wl_norm() nnodes = 6 if meat.E_H_field == 1: EH_name = "E_" else: EH_name = "H_" extra_name = EH_name + "Lay" + zeros_int_str(lay_interest) # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom vec_index = num_lays - lay_interest - 1 vec_coef = np.concatenate((pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index], pstack.vec_coef_up[vec_index])) EMUstack.gmsh_plot_field(meat.num_BMs, meat.n_msh_el, meat.n_msh_pts, nnodes, meat.structure.nb_typ_el, meat.table_nod, meat.type_el, eps, meat.x_arr, meat.k_z, meat.sol1, vec_coef, h_normed, z_value, gmsh_file_pos, meat.structure.plot_real, meat.structure.plot_imag, meat.structure.plot_abs, extra_name) except ValueError: print "fields_in_plane cannot plot fields in 1D-arrays."\ "\nPlease select a different lay_interest.\n" # If selected z location is within a ThinFilm layer # plot fields in Plane Wave Basis using python routine. else: wl = np.around(pstack.layers[-1].light.wl_nm,decimals=2) pw = pstack.layers[-1].max_order_PWs period = pstack.layers[-1].structure.period heights_list = [] name_lay = '' for i in xrange(num_lays): if i == 0 or i == num_lays-1:pass else: heights_list.append(pstack.layers[i].structure.height_nm) try: pstack.layers[i].structure.diameter1 diameter = pstack.layers[i].structure.diameter1 except:pass if lay_interest == 0: name_lay = "0_Substrate" elif lay_interest == num_lays-1: name_lay = "%(i)s_Superstrate" %{'i':num_lays-1} else: name_lay = "Thin_Film_%(i)s" %{'i':lay_interest} x_range = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,nu_calc_pts) y_range = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,nu_calc_pts) z_range = np.array(z_values) s = pstack.layers[lay_interest].sort_order alpha_unsrt = np.array(pstack.layers[lay_interest].alphas) beta_unsrt = np.array(pstack.layers[lay_interest].betas) alpha = alpha_unsrt[s] if pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.world_1d == True: beta = beta_unsrt else: beta = beta_unsrt[s] gamma = np.array(pstack.layers[lay_interest].calc_kz()) n = pstack.layers[lay_interest].n() PWordtot = pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.num_pw_per_pol prop = 2*(gamma.imag == 0).sum() evan = 2*PWordtot - prop vec_coef_down = np.array(pstack.vec_coef_down[num_lays-1-lay_interest]).flatten() vec_coef_down_TE = vec_coef_down[0:PWordtot] vec_coef_down_TM = vec_coef_down[PWordtot::] if lay_interest == 0: vec_coef_up = np.zeros((2*PWordtot), dtype = 'complex') else: vec_coef_up = np.array(pstack.vec_coef_up[num_lays-1-lay_interest]).flatten() vec_coef_up_TE = vec_coef_up[0:PWordtot] vec_coef_up_TM = vec_coef_up[PWordtot::] norm = np.sqrt(alpha**2+beta**2) k = np.sqrt(alpha**2+beta**2+gamma**2) chi_TE = np.sqrt((n*gamma)/k) chi_TM = np.sqrt((n*k)/gamma) E_TE_x = beta/norm E_TE_y = -1*alpha/norm E_TE_z = np.array(np.zeros(np.size(E_TE_x))) E_TM_x = alpha/norm E_TM_y = beta/norm E_TM_z = -1*norm/gamma k = np.around(k,decimals=4) n = np.around(n,decimals=4) eta_TE_x_down = (vec_coef_down_TE*E_TE_x)/chi_TE eta_TE_y_down = (vec_coef_down_TE*E_TE_y)/chi_TE eta_TE_z_down = (vec_coef_down_TE*E_TE_z)/chi_TE eta_TM_x_down = (vec_coef_down_TM*E_TM_x)/chi_TM eta_TM_y_down = (vec_coef_down_TM*E_TM_y)/chi_TM eta_TM_z_down = (vec_coef_down_TM*E_TM_z)/chi_TM eta_TE_x_up = (vec_coef_up_TE*E_TE_x)/chi_TE eta_TE_y_up = (vec_coef_up_TE*E_TE_y)/chi_TE eta_TE_z_up = (vec_coef_up_TE*E_TE_z)/chi_TE eta_TM_x_up = (vec_coef_up_TM*E_TM_x)/chi_TM eta_TM_y_up = (vec_coef_up_TM*E_TM_y)/chi_TM eta_TM_z_up = (vec_coef_up_TM*E_TM_z)/chi_TM x_axis = np.zeros((nu_calc_pts,nu_calc_pts), dtype = 'float') y_axis = np.zeros((nu_calc_pts,nu_calc_pts), dtype = 'float') if lay_interest == 0: z_range = -1*z_range else: z_range = np.abs(z_range) x1 = x_range y1 = y_range z1 = z_range (y_axis,x_axis) = np.meshgrid(y1,x1) E_TE_x_array = np.zeros((np.size(x1),np.size(y1),np.size(z1)), dtype = 'complex') E_TE_y_array = np.zeros((np.size(x1),np.size(y1),np.size(z1)), dtype = 'complex') E_TE_z_array = np.zeros((np.size(x1),np.size(y1),np.size(z1)), dtype = 'complex') E_TM_x_array = np.zeros((np.size(x1),np.size(y1),np.size(z1)), dtype = 'complex') E_TM_y_array = np.zeros((np.size(x1),np.size(y1),np.size(z1)), dtype = 'complex') E_TM_z_array = np.zeros((np.size(x1),np.size(y1),np.size(z1)), dtype = 'complex') for z in xrange(np.size(z1)): for y in xrange(np.size(y1)): for x in xrange(np.size(x1)): if pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.height_nm == 'semi_inf': expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y1[y]-gamma*z1[z])) elif z1[z] <= float(pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.height_nm)/period: expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y1[y]-gamma*(z1[z]-float(pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.height_nm)/period))) else: raise ValueError, \ "fields_in_plane: z_value exceeds thickness of layer, reduce it. " expo_up = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y1[y]+gamma*z1[z])) E_TE_x = np.sum(eta_TE_x_down*expo_down + eta_TE_x_up*expo_up) E_TE_y = np.sum(eta_TE_y_down*expo_down + eta_TE_y_up*expo_up) E_TE_z = np.sum(eta_TE_z_down*expo_down + eta_TE_z_up*expo_up) E_TM_x = np.sum(eta_TM_x_down*expo_down + eta_TM_x_up*expo_up) E_TM_y = np.sum(eta_TM_y_down*expo_down + eta_TM_y_up*expo_up) E_TM_z = np.sum(eta_TM_z_down*expo_down + eta_TM_z_up*expo_up) E_TE_x_array[x,y,z] = E_TE_x E_TE_y_array[x,y,z] = E_TE_y E_TE_z_array[x,y,z] = E_TE_z E_TM_x_array[x,y,z] = E_TM_x E_TM_y_array[x,y,z] = E_TM_y E_TM_z_array[x,y,z] = E_TM_z E_x_array = E_TE_x_array + E_TM_x_array E_y_array = E_TE_y_array + E_TM_y_array E_z_array = E_TE_z_array + E_TM_z_array E_tot_array = np.sqrt(E_x_array*np.conj(E_x_array) + E_y_array*np.conj(E_y_array) + E_z_array*np.conj(E_z_array)) E_super = [E_x_array, E_y_array, E_z_array, E_tot_array] E_sup_labels = [' E_x', ' E_y', ' E_z', ' |E|',] # Save figures for re_im in ['real','imag']: for z_of_xy in xrange(np.size(z1)): fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12,21), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') for i in range(len(E_super)): ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(4,1,i+1) if re_im == 'real': E_slice = np.real(E_super[i][:,:,z_of_xy]) elif re_im == 'imag': E_slice = np.imag(E_super[i][:,:,z_of_xy]) x_min = x1[0] x_max = x1[-1] y_min = y1[0] y_max = y1[-1] cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis,E_slice,35,cmap=cmap) plt.axis([x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max]) cbar = plt.colorbar() + E_sup_labels[i]) ax1.set_xlabel('x (d)') ax1.set_ylabel('y (d)') ax1.axis('scaled') ax1.set_ylim((y_min,y_max)) plt.suptitle('%(name)s \n %(p)s_E_xy_slice, z = %(z_pos)s, heights = %(h)s \n \ $\lambda$ = %(wl)f nm, period = %(d)f, PW = %(pw)i,' % \ {'name' : name_lay, 'h':heights_list, 'p' : re_im, 'z_pos' : z1[z_of_xy],'wl' : wl, \ 'd' : period, 'pw' : pw} + '\n' + '# prop. ords = %(prop)s, # evan. ords = %(evan)s, n = %(n)s,k = %(k)s'\ % {'evan' : evan, 'prop' : prop, 'n' : n, 'k' : k[0]}) plt.savefig('%(dir_name)s/stack_%(stack_num)s_%(p)s_E_%(name)s_slice=%(z_pos)s_wl=%(wl)s.pdf'% \ {'dir_name' : dir_name, 'wl' : wl, 'p' : re_im, 'z_pos' : z1[z_of_xy], \ 'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num}) stack_num += 1 # ## Old fortran plane wave plotting # extra_name = EH_name + "Lay" + zeros_int_str(TF_lay) # select_h = 0.0 # lat_vec = [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]] # bun = pstack.layers[TF_lay] # superstrate # substrate # n_eff_0 = bun.n() # neq_PW = bun.structure.num_pw_per_pol # bloch_vec = bun.k_pll_norm() # ordre_ls = bun.max_order_PWs # index_pw = bun.sort_order # index_pw_inv = np.zeros(shape=(np.shape(index_pw)),dtype='int') # for s in range(len(index_pw)): # s2 = index_pw[s] # index_pw_inv[s2] = s # index_pw_inv += 1 # convert to fortran indices (starting from 1) # # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom # vec_index = len(pstack.layers) - TF_lay - 1 # vec_coef_down = pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index] # if TF_lay == 0: vec_coef_up = np.zeros(shape=(np.shape(vec_coef_down)),dtype='complex128') # else: vec_coef_up = pstack.vec_coef_up[vec_index] # EMUstack.gmsh_plot_pw(meat.n_msh_el, meat.n_msh_pts, nnodes, neq_PW, # bloch_vec, meat.table_nod, meat.x_arr, lat_vec, wl_normed, # n_eff_0, vec_coef_down, vec_coef_up, # index_pw_inv, ordre_ls, select_h, # gmsh_file_pos, meat.structure.plot_real, meat.structure.plot_imag, # meat.structure.plot_abs, extra_name) # # # Semi-inf case # # vec_coef_up = meat.R12[:,0] # TE polarisation # # vec_coef_up = meat.R12[:,neq_PW] # TM polarisation # # vec_coef_down = np.zeros(shape=(np.shape(vec_coef_up)),dtype='complex128') # # vec_coef_down[neq_PW] = 1.0 # field interpolators for Nanostruct layers
[docs]def fields_interpolator_in_plane(pstack, lay_interest=1, z_value=0.1): """ Returns linear interpolators in the x-y plane at chosen value of z for Re[Ex],Re[Ey],Re[Ez],Im[Ex],Im[Ey],Im[Ez],|E|. Requires matplotlib v1.3.0 or later. Args: pstack: Stack object (not a list!!!) containing data to plot. Keyword Args: lay_interest (int): the index of the layer considered within \ the stack. z_value (float): distance in nm from bottom surface of layer \ at which to calculate fields. If layer is semi-inf substrate \ then z_value is distance from top of this layer (i.e. bottom \ interface of stack). """ from fortran import EMUstack num_lays = len(pstack.layers) # If selected z location is within a NanoStruct layer # plot fields in Bloch Mode Basis using fortran routine. if isinstance(pstack.layers[lay_interest], mode_calcs.Simmo): meat = pstack.layers[lay_interest] try: if not meat.structure.periodicity == '2D_array': raise ValueError eps = meat.n_effs**2 h_normed = float(meat.structure.height_nm)/float(meat.structure.period) # fortran routine naturally measure z top down z_value = z_value/float(meat.structure.period) z_value = h_normed - z_value wl_normed = pstack.layers[lay_interest].wl_norm() nnodes = 6 # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom vec_index = num_lays - lay_interest - 1 vec_coef = np.concatenate((pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index], pstack.vec_coef_up[vec_index])) # piling up of all the bloch modes to get all the fields m_E = EMUstack.field_value_plane(meat.num_BMs, meat.n_msh_el, meat.n_msh_pts, nnodes, meat.structure.nb_typ_el, meat.table_nod, meat.type_el, eps, meat.x_arr, meat.k_z, meat.sol1, vec_coef, h_normed, z_value) # unrolling data for the interpolators table_nod = meat.table_nod.T x_arr = meat.x_arr.T # dense triangulation with multiple points v_x6p = np.zeros(6*meat.n_msh_el) v_y6p = np.zeros(6*meat.n_msh_el) v_Ex6p = np.zeros(6*meat.n_msh_el, dtype=np.complex128) v_Ey6p = np.zeros(6*meat.n_msh_el, dtype=np.complex128) v_Ez6p = np.zeros(6*meat.n_msh_el, dtype=np.complex128) v_triang6p = [] i = 0 for i_el in np.arange(meat.n_msh_el): # triangles idx = np.arange(6*i_el, 6*(i_el+1)) triangles = [[idx[0], idx[3], idx[5]], [idx[1], idx[4], idx[3]], [idx[2], idx[5], idx[4]], [idx[3], idx[4], idx[5]]] v_triang6p.extend(triangles) for i_node in np.arange(6): # index for the coordinates i_ex = table_nod[i_el, i_node]-1 # values v_x6p[i] = x_arr[i_ex, 0] v_y6p[i] = x_arr[i_ex, 1] v_Ex6p[i] = m_E[i_el, i_node, 0] v_Ey6p[i] = m_E[i_el, i_node, 1] v_Ez6p[i] = m_E[i_el, i_node, 2] i += 1 v_E6p = np.sqrt(np.abs(v_Ex6p)**2 + np.abs(v_Ey6p)**2 + np.abs(v_Ez6p)**2) # dense triangulation with unique points v_triang1p = [] for i_el in np.arange(meat.n_msh_el): # triangles triangles = [[table_nod[i_el,0]-1,table_nod[i_el,3]-1,table_nod[i_el,5]-1], [table_nod[i_el,1]-1,table_nod[i_el,4]-1,table_nod[i_el,3]-1], [table_nod[i_el,2]-1,table_nod[i_el,5]-1,table_nod[i_el,4]-1], [table_nod[i_el,3]-1,table_nod[i_el,4]-1,table_nod[i_el,5]-1]] v_triang1p.extend(triangles) # triangulations triang6p = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(v_x6p,v_y6p,v_triang6p) triang1p = matplotlib.tri.Triangulation(x_arr[:,0],x_arr[:,1],v_triang1p) # building interpolators: triang1p for the finder, triang6p for the values finder = matplotlib.tri.TrapezoidMapTriFinder(triang1p) ReEx = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang6p,v_Ex6p.real,trifinder=finder) ImEx = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang6p,v_Ex6p.imag,trifinder=finder) ReEy = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang6p,v_Ey6p.real,trifinder=finder) ImEy = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang6p,v_Ey6p.imag,trifinder=finder) ReEz = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang6p,v_Ez6p.real,trifinder=finder) ImEz = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang6p,v_Ez6p.imag,trifinder=finder) AbsE = matplotlib.tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang6p,v_E6p,trifinder=finder) return ReEx, ImEx, ReEy, ImEy, ReEz, ImEz, AbsE except ValueError as e: print e print "fields_in_plane cannot plot fields in 1D-arrays."\ "\nPlease select a different lay_interest.\n" # If selected z location is within a ThinFilm layer # plot fields in Plane Wave Basis using python routine. else: raise Exception("Not a NanoStruct Layer")
[docs]def fields_vertically(stacks_list, factor_pts_vert=31, nu_pts_hori=41, semi_inf_height=1.0, gradient=None, no_incoming=False, add_name='', force_eq_ratio=False, colour_res=30, plot_boundaries=True): """ Plot fields in the x-y plane at chosen values of z, where z is \ calculated from the bottom of chosen layer. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: factor_pts_vert (int): sampling factor for fields vertically. \ Calculated as factor_pts_vert * (epsilon*h/wl). nu_pts_hori (int): in-plane fields are calculated over a mesh of \ nu_pts_hori * nu_pts_hori points. semi_inf_height (float): distance to which fields are plotting \ in semi-infinite (sub)superstrates. gradient (float): further slices calculated with given gradient \ and -gradient. It is entitled 'specified_diagonal_slice'.\ These slices are only calculated for ThinFilm layers. no_incoming (bool): if True, plots fields in superstrate in the \ absence of the incident driving field (i.e. only showing \ upward propagating scattered field). add_name (str): concatenate add_name to title. force_eq_ratio (bool): each layer plotted on equal space. colour_res (int): number of colour intervals to use. plot_boundaries (bool): plot boundaries of inclusions. """ from fortran import EMUstack dir_name = "fields_vertically" if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) # always make odd if nu_pts_hori % 2 == 0: nu_pts_hori += 1 stack_num = 0 for pstack in stacks_list: num_lays = len(pstack.layers) period = pstack.layers[0].structure.period pw = pstack.layers[0].max_order_PWs wl_normed = pstack.layers[0].wl_norm() # Stack layers on top of one another to find heights of interfaces. ind_h_list = pstack.heights_norm() h_list = [-semi_inf_height, 0] for i in range(len(ind_h_list)): h_list.append(h_list[-1]+ind_h_list[i]) h_list.append(h_list[-1]+semi_inf_height) ind_h_list.append(semi_inf_height) ind_h_list.insert(0, semi_inf_height) min_h = np.min(ind_h_list) h_ratio = [h/min_h for h in ind_h_list[::-1]] layer = pstack.layers[0] if isinstance(layer,mode_calcs.Anallo): if layer.structure.world_1d == True: slice_types = ['xz'] else: slice_types = ['xz']#,'yz','diag+','diag-'] #rest not implemented if gradient != None: slice_types.append(('special+','special-')) else: if layer.structure.periodicity == '1D_array': slice_types = ['xz'] else: slice_types = ['xz']#,'yz','diag+','diag-'] #rest not implemented if gradient != None: slice_types.append(('special+','special-')) for sli in slice_types: E_fields = ['Re(E_x)', 'Im(E_x)', 'Re(E_y)', 'Im(E_y)', 'Re(E_z)', 'Im(E_z)', 'Re(E)', 'eps_abs(E)'] E_fields_tot = [] epsE_fields_tot = [] for E in E_fields: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 12)) if force_eq_ratio == True: h_ratio = [1 for h in ind_h_list[::-1]] gs = gridspec.GridSpec(num_lays, 1, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0, width_ratios=[1, 1], height_ratios=h_ratio) else: gs = gridspec.GridSpec(num_lays, 1, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0, width_ratios=[1, 1], height_ratios=h_ratio) # Find maximum field value to normalise plots. max_E = None min_E = None for max_E_field in [0, 1]: # Iterate through layers for lay in range(num_lays): layer = pstack.layers[lay] ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[num_lays-lay-1]) if isinstance(layer, mode_calcs.Simmo): eps = layer.n_effs**2 else: eps = layer.n()**2 nu_pts_vert = np.round(factor_pts_vert*(np.real(np.max(eps))*ind_h_list[lay] / wl_normed)) if nu_pts_vert < 11: nu_pts_vert = 11 if lay == 0: z_range = np.linspace(h_list[lay],0.0,nu_pts_vert) else: z_range = np.linspace(0.0, ind_h_list[lay], nu_pts_vert) # vec_coef sorted from top, everything else sorted from bottom vec_index = num_lays - lay - 1 # If NanoStruct layer if isinstance(layer, mode_calcs.Simmo): name_lay = "%i_NanoStruct"% lay gmsh_file_pos = 'stack_%(stack_num)s_lay_%(name)s_'% \ {'name': name_lay, 'stack_num': stack_num} vec_coef_fem = np.concatenate((pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index], pstack.vec_coef_up[vec_index])) # If 2D_array plot fields using fortran routine. if layer.structure.periodicity == '2D_array': if max_E_field == 0 and E == 'Re(E_x)': E_fields_tot.append(None) epsE_fields_tot.append(None) elif max_E_field == 1: if not os.path.exists(dir_name+"/gmsh_BMs"): os.mkdir(dir_name+"/gmsh_BMs") if not os.path.exists(dir_name+"/gmsh_BMs/anim"): os.mkdir(dir_name+"/gmsh_BMs/anim") # TODO fix the scaling issue in 2D FEM plotting! # Then remove these arbitrary scaling params. scale_plot = 2.0 shift_x_plot = -.5 h_normed = float(layer.structure.height_nm)/float(layer.structure.period) shift_v_plot = h_normed*0.75 nnodes = 6 EMUstack.gmsh_plot_slice(layer.E_H_field, layer.num_BMs, layer.n_msh_el, layer.n_msh_pts, nnodes, layer.type_el, layer.structure.nb_typ_el, eps, layer.table_nod, layer.x_arr, layer.k_z, layer.sol1, vec_coef_fem, h_normed, wl_normed, gmsh_file_pos, scale_plot, shift_v_plot, shift_x_plot) z_plot = np.linspace(h_list[lay], h_list[lay+1],2) (y_axis_plot, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_plot,[0,1]) CS = plt.contourf(x_axis, y_axis_plot,[[0,0],[0,0]],, vmin=0, vmax=1) CS = plt.contourf(x_axis, y_axis_plot,[[0,0],[0,0]],, vmin=0, vmax=1) CS.set_clim(0, 1) if abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.05 * np.sum(ind_h_list): tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([tick_half]) ticktitles = ['%3.2f' % tick_half] ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) elif abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.25 * np.sum(ind_h_list): tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. tick_int = ind_h_list[lay]/4. ticks = [tick_half-tick_int, tick_half, tick_half+tick_int] ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks) ticktitles = [] [ticktitles.append('%3.2f' % tick) for tick in ticks] ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) # If 1D_array plot fields as follows. else: struct = layer.structure E_slice = np.zeros((struct.n_msh_pts,nu_pts_vert), dtype = 'complex128') boundary = [] for i in range(len(struct.type_el) - 1): if struct.type_el[i] != struct.type_el[i+1]: boundary.append(struct.x_arr[2*(i+1)]) if E[-3:] != '(E)': if E[5] == 'x': comp = 0 if E[5] == 'y': comp = 1 if E[5] == 'z': comp = 2 ### sol1 = sol_P2([Ex,Ey,Ez],P2_interpolation_points,nval,nel) for BM in range(layer.num_BMs): BM_sol = layer.sol1[comp,:,BM,:] beta = layer.k_z[BM] for h in range(len(z_range)): hz = z_range[h] P_down = np.exp(1j*beta*(ind_h_list[lay]-hz)) # Introduce Propagation in -z P_up = np.exp(1j*beta*hz) # Introduce Propagation in +z coef_down = vec_coef_fem[BM] * P_down coef_up = vec_coef_fem[BM+layer.num_BMs] * P_up if E[5] == 'z': coef_tot = (coef_up - coef_down)/beta # Taking into account the change of variable for Ez else: coef_tot = coef_up + coef_down coef_tot = coef_tot[0,0] E_slice[0,h] += BM_sol[0,0] * coef_tot for x in range(struct.n_msh_el - 1): E_slice[2*x+1,h] += BM_sol[1,x] * coef_tot # E_slice[2*x+2,h] += (BM_sol[2,x] + BM_sol[0,x+1] / 2.) * coef_tot E_slice[2*x+2,h] += (BM_sol[2,x]) * coef_tot E_slice[2*x+3,h] += BM_sol[1,-1] * coef_tot E_slice[2*x+4,h] += BM_sol[2,-1] * coef_tot if max_E_field == 0 and E[0] == 'R': if E[5] == 'x': E_fields_tot.append(E_slice*np.conj(E_slice)) epsE_fields_tot.append(np.zeros(np.shape(E_slice))) elif E[5] == 'y' or E[5] == 'z': E_fields_tot[lay] += E_slice*np.conj(E_slice) elif E == 'eps_abs(E)': if max_E_field == 0: type_el = np.vstack((struct.type_el, struct.type_el)).reshape((-1,),order='F') # type_el = np.append(type_el, type_el[-1]) type_el = np.append(type_el[-1], type_el) type_el[type_el == 1] = np.abs(eps[0]) type_el[type_el == 2] = np.abs(eps[1]) type_el = np.diag(type_el) epsE_fields_tot[lay] =, (E_fields_tot[lay])) else: E_slice = epsE_fields_tot[lay] elif E[-3:] == '(E)' and max_E_field == 1: E_slice = np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]) if E[0] == 'R' or E[0] == 'e': E_slice = np.real(E_slice) elif E[0] == 'I': E_slice = np.imag(E_slice) if E[-3:] != '(E)': # Re(x,y,z), Im(x,y,z) max_E_lay = np.max(E_slice) if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: max_E = max_E_lay min_E_lay = np.min(E_slice) if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: min_E = min_E_lay elif E == 'Re(E)': max_E_lay = np.max(np.real(np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]))) if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: max_E = max_E_lay min_E_lay = np.min(np.real(np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]))) if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: min_E = min_E_lay else: max_E_lay = np.max(np.abs(epsE_fields_tot[lay])) if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: max_E = max_E_lay min_E_lay = np.min(np.abs(epsE_fields_tot[lay])) if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: min_E = min_E_lay if lay == 0: z_plot = np.linspace(h_list[lay], 0.0, nu_pts_vert) else: z_plot = np.linspace(h_list[lay], h_list[lay+1],nu_pts_vert) (y_axis_plot, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_plot,struct.x_arr) if max_E_field == 1: if E == 'eps_abs(E)' or E == 'Re(E)': choice_cmap = else: choice_cmap = CS = plt.contourf(x_axis, y_axis_plot, E_slice, colour_res, cmap=choice_cmap, vmin=min_E, vmax=max_E) CS = plt.contourf(x_axis, y_axis_plot, E_slice, colour_res, cmap=choice_cmap, vmin=min_E, vmax=max_E) CS.set_clim(min_E, max_E) ax1.set_xlim((x_range[0], x_range[-1])) if abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.05 * np.sum(ind_h_list): tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([tick_half]) ticktitles = ['%3.2f' % tick_half] ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) elif abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.25 * np.sum(ind_h_list): tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. tick_int = ind_h_list[lay]/4. ticks = [tick_half-tick_int, tick_half, tick_half+tick_int] ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks) ticktitles = [] [ticktitles.append('%3.2f' % tick) for tick in ticks] ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) if plot_boundaries == True: start, end = ax1.get_ylim() for b in boundary: ax1.plot([b, b], [start, end], 'w', linewidth=2) # else: # scale_plot = 2.0 # shift_x_plot = -.5 # shift_v_plot = h_normed*0.75 # EMUstack.gmsh_plot_slice_1d(layer.E_H_field, layer.num_BMs, # struct.n_msh_el, struct.n_msh_pts, struct.type_el, # struct.nb_typ_el, n_eff, struct.table_nod, # struct.x_arr, layer.k_z, layer.sol1, vec_coef, # h_normed, wl_normed, gmsh_file_pos, # scale_plot, shift_v_plot, shift_x_plot) # ThinFilm layer, using Plane Wave basis. else: x_range = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nu_pts_hori) y_range = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nu_pts_hori) s = layer.sort_order alpha_unsrt = np.array(layer.alphas) beta_unsrt = np.array(layer.betas) alpha = alpha_unsrt[s] if layer.structure.world_1d is True: beta = beta_unsrt else: beta = beta_unsrt[s] gamma = np.array(layer.calc_kz()) n = layer.n() num_pws = layer.structure.num_pw_per_pol if lay == num_lays-1 and no_incoming == True: vec_coef_down = np.zeros((2*num_pws), dtype='complex') else: vec_coef_down = np.array(pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index]).flatten() vec_coef_down_TE = vec_coef_down[0:num_pws] vec_coef_down_TM = vec_coef_down[num_pws::] if lay == 0: vec_coef_up = np.zeros((2*num_pws), dtype='complex') else: vec_coef_up = np.array(pstack.vec_coef_up[vec_index]).flatten() vec_coef_up_TE = vec_coef_up[0:num_pws] vec_coef_up_TM = vec_coef_up[num_pws::] norm = np.sqrt(alpha**2+beta**2) k = np.sqrt(alpha**2+beta**2+gamma**2) chi_TE = np.sqrt((n*gamma)/k) chi_TM = np.sqrt((n*k)/gamma) E_TE_x = beta/norm E_TE_y = -1*alpha/norm E_TE_z = np.array(np.zeros(np.size(E_TE_x))) E_TM_x = alpha/norm E_TM_y = beta/norm E_TM_z = -1*norm/gamma if E[-3:] != '(E)': if E[5] == 'x': TE_coef = E_TE_x TM_coef = E_TM_x elif E[5] == 'y': TE_coef = E_TE_y TM_coef = E_TM_y elif E[5] == 'z': TE_coef = E_TE_z TM_coef = E_TM_z eta_TE_down = (vec_coef_down_TE*TE_coef)/chi_TE eta_TM_down = (vec_coef_down_TM*TM_coef)/chi_TM eta_TE_up = (vec_coef_up_TE*TE_coef)/chi_TE eta_TM_up = (vec_coef_up_TM*TM_coef)/chi_TM x_axis = np.zeros((nu_pts_hori, nu_pts_hori), dtype='float') y_axis = np.zeros((nu_pts_hori, nu_pts_hori), dtype='float') if sli == 'xz': x1 = x_range if layer.structure.world_1d == True: y1 = np.array([0]) else: y1 = np.array([0, 0.5]) (y_axis, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_range, x1) elif sli == 'yz': x1 = np.array([0, 0.5]) y1 = y_range (y_axis, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_range, y1) elif sli == 'diag+': x1 = x_range y1 = np.array([0]) y2 = x_range (y_axis, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_range, sqrt(2)*x1) elif sli == 'diag-': x1 = x_range[::-1] y1 = np.array([0]) y2 = x_range (y_axis, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_range, sqrt(2)*x1[::-1]) elif sli == 'special+': x1 = x_range y1 = np.array([0]) y2 = gradient*x_range for i in xrange(np.size(y2)): if y2[i] > 1: y2 = np.resize(y2, (i,)) x1 = np.resize(x1, (i,)) break (y_axis, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_range,sqrt(1+gradient**2)*x1) elif sli == 'special-': x1 = x_range[::-1] y1 = np.array([0]) y2 = gradient*x_range for i in xrange(np.size(y2)): if y2[i] > 1: y2 = np.resize(y2,(i,)) x1 = np.resize(x1,(i,)) break (y_axis, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_range, sqrt(1+gradient**2)*(x1[::-1]-x1[-1])) E_field = np.zeros((np.size(x1), np.size(y1), np.size(z_range)), dtype='complex') for z in xrange(np.size(z_range)): for y in xrange(np.size(y1)): for x in xrange(np.size(x1)): if sli == 'diag+' or sli == 'diag-' or sli == 'special+' or sli == 'special-': if layer.structure.height_nm == 'semi_inf': expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y2[x]-gamma*z_range[z])) else: expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y2[x]-gamma*(z_range[z]-ind_h_list[lay]))) expo_up = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y2[x]+gamma*z_range[z])) else: if lay == 0 or lay == num_lays-1: expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y1[y]-gamma*z_range[z])) else: expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y1[y]-gamma*(z_range[z]-ind_h_list[lay]))) expo_up = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1[x]+beta*y1[y]+gamma*z_range[z])) E_field[x,y,z] = np.sum(eta_TE_down*expo_down + eta_TE_up*expo_up) + np.sum(eta_TM_down*expo_down + eta_TM_up*expo_up) if lay == 0: z_plot = np.linspace(h_list[lay],0.0,nu_pts_vert) else: z_plot = np.linspace(h_list[lay],h_list[lay+1],nu_pts_vert) (y_axis_plot, x_axis) = np.meshgrid(z_plot, x_range) if sli == 'xz': E_slice = E_field[:, 0, :] if max_E_field == 0: if E[-3:] != '(E)' and E[0] == 'R': if E[5] == 'x': E_fields_tot.append(E_slice*np.conj(E_slice)) epsE_fields_tot.append(np.zeros(np.shape(E_slice))) elif E[5] == 'y' or E[5] == 'z': E_fields_tot[lay] += E_slice*np.conj(E_slice) elif E == 'eps_abs(E)': epsE_fields_tot[lay] = np.real(eps) * (E_fields_tot[lay]) elif max_E_field == 1 and E == 'eps_abs(E)': E_slice = epsE_fields_tot[lay] elif max_E_field == 1 and E[-3:] == '(E)': E_slice = np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]) if E[0] == 'R' or E[0] == 'e': E_slice = np.real(E_slice) elif E[0] == 'I': E_slice = np.imag(E_slice) if E[-3:] != '(E)': max_E_lay = np.max(E_slice) if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: max_E = max_E_lay min_E_lay = np.min(E_slice) if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: min_E = min_E_lay elif E == 'Re(E)': max_E_lay = np.max(np.real(np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]))) if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: max_E = max_E_lay min_E_lay = np.min(np.real(np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]))) if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: min_E = min_E_lay else: max_E_lay = np.max(np.real(epsE_fields_tot[lay])) if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: max_E = max_E_lay min_E_lay = np.min(np.real(epsE_fields_tot[lay])) if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: min_E = min_E_lay if max_E_field == 1: if E == 'eps_abs(E)' or E == 'Re(E)': choice_cmap = else: choice_cmap = CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis_plot,E_slice, colour_res, cmap=choice_cmap, vmin=min_E, vmax=max_E) # hack to remove white contour lines CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis_plot,E_slice, colour_res, cmap=choice_cmap, vmin=min_E, vmax=max_E) CS.set_clim(min_E,max_E) ax1.set_xlim((x_range[0],x_range[-1])) if abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.05 * np.sum(ind_h_list): tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([tick_half]) ticktitles = ['%3.2f' % tick_half] ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) elif abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.25 * np.sum(ind_h_list): tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. tick_int = ind_h_list[lay]/4. ticks = [tick_half-tick_int, tick_half, tick_half+tick_int] ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks) ticktitles = [] [ticktitles.append('%3.2f' % tick) for tick in ticks] ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) # elif sli == 'yz': # E_slice = E_field[0, :, :] # if max_E_field == 0: # if E[-3:] != '(E)' and E[0] == 'R': # if E[5] == 'x': # E_fields_tot.append(E_slice*np.conj(E_slice)) # epsE_fields_tot.append(np.zeros(np.shape(E_slice))) # elif E[5] == 'y' or E[5] == 'z': # E_fields_tot[lay] += E_slice*np.conj(E_slice) # elif E == 'eps_abs(E)': # epsE_fields_tot[lay] = np.real(eps) * (E_fields_tot[lay]) # elif max_E_field == 1 and E == 'eps_abs(E)': # E_slice = epsE_fields_tot[lay] # elif max_E_field == 1 and E[-3:] == '(E)': # E_slice = np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]) # if E[0] == 'R' or E[0] == 'e': # E_slice = np.real(E_slice) # elif E[0] == 'I': # E_slice = np.imag(E_slice) # if E[-3:] != '(E)': # max_E_lay = np.max(E_slice) # if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: # max_E = max_E_lay # min_E_lay = np.min(E_slice) # if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: # min_E = min_E_lay # elif E == 'Re(E)': # max_E_lay = np.max(np.real(np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]))) # if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: # max_E = max_E_lay # min_E_lay = np.min(np.real(np.sqrt(E_fields_tot[lay]))) # if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: # min_E = min_E_lay # else: # max_E_lay = np.max(np.real(epsE_fields_tot[lay])) # if max_E_lay > max_E or max_E == None: # max_E = max_E_lay # min_E_lay = np.min(np.real(epsE_fields_tot[lay])) # if min_E_lay < min_E or min_E == None: # min_E = min_E_lay # if max_E_field == 1: # if E == 'eps_abs(E)' or E == 'Re(E)': # choice_cmap = # else: # choice_cmap = # CS = plt.contourf(x_axis, y_axis_plot, E_slice, # colour_res, cmap=choice_cmap, vmin=min_E, vmax=max_E) # CS.set_clim(min_E, max_E) # ax1.set_xlim((x_range[0], x_range[-1])) # if abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.05 * np.sum(ind_h_list): # tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. # ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([tick_half]) # ticktitles = ['%3.2f' % tick_half] # ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) # elif abs(ind_h_list[lay]) < 0.25 * np.sum(ind_h_list): # tick_half = (h_list[lay]+h_list[lay+1])/2. # tick_int = ind_h_list[lay]/4. # ticks = [tick_half-tick_int, tick_half, tick_half+tick_int] # ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks) # ticktitles = [] # [ticktitles.append('%3.2f' % tick) for tick in ticks] # ax1.yaxis.set_ticklabels(ticktitles) if lay == 0 and sli == 'xz': ax1.set_xlabel('x (d)') elif lay == 0 and sli == 'yz': ax1.set_xlabel('y (d)') else: ax1.set_xticklabels(()) cax = fig.add_axes([0.6, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) cb = fig.colorbar(plt.contourf([0, 1], [0, 1], [[min_E, min_E], [max_E, max_E]], colour_res, cmap=choice_cmap, vmin=min_E, vmax=max_E), cax=cax) cb.set_clim(min_E, max_E) if E == 'eps_abs(E)': cax.set_ylabel(r'$|\epsilon|$ |E|$^2$') elif E == 'Re(E)': cax.set_ylabel(r'|E|') else: cax.set_ylabel(E) plt.savefig('%(dir_name)s/stack_%(stack_num)s_E_%(slice)s_slice_%(comp)s%(add)s.pdf'% \ {'dir_name': dir_name, 'comp': E, 'slice': sli,\ 'stack_num': stack_num, 'add': add_name}, bbox_inches='tight') # elif sli == 'yz': # for x_of_yz in xrange(np.size(x1)): # fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12, 21), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # for i in range(len(E_super)): # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(4, 1, i+1) # if re_im == 'real': # E_slice = np.real(E_super[i][x_of_yz,:,:]) # elif re_im == 'imag': # E_slice = np.imag(E_super[i][x_of_yz,:,:]) # y_min = y_range[0] # y_max = y_range[-1] # z_min = z_range[0] # z_max = z_range[-1] # cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') # CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis,E_slice,15,cmap=cmap) # plt.axis([y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max]) # cbar = plt.colorbar() #'%(p)s E_x'%{'p':p}) # ax1.set_xlabel('y (d)') # ax1.set_ylabel('z (d)') # if scale_axis == True: ax1.axis('scaled') # ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([x_min,x_max]) # ax1.set_ylim((z_min,z_max)) # if np.abs(z_max-z_min) < x_max: ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([z_min,z_max]) # plt.suptitle('%(name)s \n E_yz_slice_%(p)s, x = %(x_pos)s, heights = %(h)s \n \ # $\lambda$ = %(wl)snm, period = %(d)f, PW = %(pw)i, %(add)s' % \ # {'name' : name_lay, 'h':heights_list, 'p' : p, 'x_pos' : x1[x_of_yz],'wl' : wl, \ # 'd' : period, 'pw' : pw, 'add' : add_name} + '\n' # + '# prop. ords = %(prop)s, # evan. ords = %(evan)s , \ # n = %(n)s, k = %(k)s' % {'evan' : evan, 'prop' : prop, 'n' : n, 'k' : k[0]}) # plt.savefig('%(dir_name)s/stack_%(stack_num)s_lay_%(name)s_E_yz_slice=%(x_pos)s_wl=%(wl)s_%(p)s%(add)s.pdf'% \ # {'dir_name' : dir_name, 'p':p, 'wl' : wl, 'x_pos' : x1[x_of_yz],\ # 'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num, 'add' : add_name}) # elif sli == 'diag+': # diag = 1 # fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12,21), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # for i in range(len(E_super)): # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(4,1,i+1) # if re_im == 'real': # E_slice = np.real(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # elif re_im == 'imag': # E_slice = np.imag(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # y_min = y_range[0] # y_max = np.around(np.sqrt(2)*y_range[-1],decimals=2) # z_min = z1[0] # z_max = z1[-1] # cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') # CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis,E_slice,15,cmap=cmap) # plt.axis([y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max]) # cbar = plt.colorbar() #'%(p)s E_x'%{'p':p}) # ax1.set_xlabel('x=%(diag)sy (d)'%{'diag':diag}) # ax1.set_ylabel('z (d)') # if scale_axis == True: ax1.axis('scaled') # ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([y_min,y_max]) # ax1.set_xlim((y_min,y_max)) # ax1.set_ylim((z_min,z_max)) # if np.abs(z_max-z_min) < x_max: ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([z_min,z_max]) # # plt.suptitle('%(name)s \n E_diagonal_slice_%(p)s, y = %(diag)sx, heights = %(h)s \n\ # # $\lambda$ = %(wl)f, period = %(d)f, PW = %(pw)i, %(add)s' % \ # # {'name' : name_lay, 'h':heights_list, 'p':p,'diag' : diag,'wl' : wl, 'd' : period, \ # # 'pw' : pw, 'add' : add_name} + '\n' # # + '# prop. ords = %(prop)s, # evan. ords = %(evan)s , n = %(n)s, k = %(k)s' % \ # # {'evan' : evan, 'prop' : prop, 'n' : n, 'k' : k[0]}) # # plt.savefig('%(dir_name)s/stack_%(stack_num)s_lay_%(name)s_E_diag_slice_y=%(diag)sx_wl=%(wl)s_%(p)s%(add)s.pdf'% \ # # {'dir_name' : dir_name, 'p':p,'wl' : wl, 'diag' : diag, \ # # 'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num, 'add' : add_name}) # elif sli == 'diag-': # diag = -1 # fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12,21), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # for i in range(len(E_super)): # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(4,1,i+1) # if re_im == 'real': # E_slice = np.real(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # elif re_im == 'imag': # E_slice = np.imag(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # y_min = y_range[0] # y_max = np.around(np.sqrt(2)*y_range[-1],decimals=2) # z_min = z1[0] # z_max = z1[-1] # cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') # CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis,E_slice,15,cmap=cmap) # plt.axis([y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max]) # cbar = plt.colorbar() #'%(p)s E_x'%{'p':p}) # ax1.set_xlabel('x=%(diag)sy (d)'%{'diag':diag}) # ax1.set_ylabel('z (d)') # if scale_axis == True: ax1.axis('scaled') # ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([y_min,y_max]) # ax1.set_xlim((y_min,y_max)) # ax1.set_ylim((z_min,z_max)) # if np.abs(z_max-z_min) < x_max: ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([z_min,z_max]) # # plt.suptitle('%(name)s \n E_diagonal_slice_%(p)s, y = %(diag)sx, heights = %(h)s \n\ # # $\lambda$ = %(wl)f nm, period = %(d)f, PW = %(pw)i, %(add)s' % \ # # {'name' : name_lay, 'h':heights_list,'diag' : diag, 'p' : p,'wl' : wl, \ # # 'd' : period, 'pw' : pw, 'add' : add_name} + '\n' + # # '# prop. ords = %(prop)s, # evan. ords = %(evan)s , n = %(n)s, k = %(k)s' % \ # # {'evan' : evan, 'prop' : prop, 'n' : n, 'k' : k[0]}) # # plt.savefig('%(dir_name)s/stack_%(stack_num)s_lay_%(name)s_E_diag_slice_y=%(diag)sx_wl=%(wl)s_%(p)s%(add)s.pdf'% \ # # {'dir_name' : dir_name, 'p':p,'wl' : wl, 'diag' : diag, \ # # 'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num, 'add' : add_name}) # elif sli == 'special+': # diag = 1 # fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12,21), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # for i in range(len(E_super)): # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(4,1,i+1) # if re_im == 'real': # E_slice = np.real(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # elif re_im == 'imag': # E_slice = np.imag(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # y_min = y_range[0] # y_max = np.around(sqrt(1+gradient**2)*x1[-1],decimals=2) # z_min = z1[0] # z_max = z1[-1] # cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') # CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis,E_slice,15,cmap=cmap) # plt.axis([y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max]) # cbar = plt.colorbar() #'%(p)s E_x'%{'p':p}) # ax1.set_xlabel('y=%(diag)sx (d)'%{'diag':diag*gradient}) # ax1.set_ylabel('z (d)') # if scale_axis == True: ax1.axis('scaled') # ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([y_min,y_max]) # ax1.set_ylim((z_min,z_max)) # ax1.set_xlim((y_min,y_max)) # if np.abs(z_max-z_min) < x_max: ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([z_min,z_max]) # # plt.suptitle('%(name)s \n E_specified_diagonal_slice_%(p)s, y = %(diag*gradient)sx, (x,y):(0,0) to (%(x)s,1), heights = %(h)s \n\ # # $\lambda$ = %(wl)f, period = %(d)f, PW = %(pw)i, %(add)s' % \ # # {'name' : name_lay, 'h':heights_list,'diag*gradient':diag*gradient, 'p':p,'wl' : wl, 'd' : period, \ # # 'pw' : pw, 'x':x1[-1], 'add' : add_name} + '\n' + # # '# prop. ords = %(prop)s, # evan. ords = %(evan)s , n = %(n)s, k = %(k)s' % \ # # {'evan' : evan, 'prop' : prop, 'n' : n, 'k' : k[0]}) # # plt.savefig('%(dir_name)s/stack_%(stack_num)s_lay_%(name)s_E_specified_diagonal_slice_y=%(diag*gradient)sx_wl=%(wl)s_%(p)s%(add)s.pdf'% \ # # {'dir_name' : dir_name, 'diag*gradient':diag*gradient, 'p':p,'wl' : wl,\ # # 'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num, 'add' : add_name}) # elif sli == 'special-': # diag = -1 # fig1 = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(12,21), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') # for i in range(len(E_super)): # ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(4,1,i+1) # if re_im == 'real': # E_slice = np.real(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # elif re_im == 'imag': # E_slice = np.imag(E_super[i][:,0,:]) # y_min = y_range[0] # y_max = np.around(sqrt(1+gradient**2)*(x1[0]-x1[-1]),decimals=2) # z_min = z1[0] # z_max = z1[-1] # cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet') # CS = plt.contourf(x_axis,y_axis,E_slice,15,cmap=cmap) # plt.axis([y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max]) # cbar = plt.colorbar() #'%(p)s E_x'%{'p':p}) # ax1.set_xlabel('y=%(diag)sx (d)'%{'diag':diag*gradient}) # ax1.set_ylabel('z (d)') # if scale_axis == True: ax1.axis('scaled') # ax1.xaxis.set_ticks([y_min,y_max]) # ax1.set_ylim((z_min,z_max)) # ax1.set_xlim((y_min,y_max)) # if np.abs(z_max-z_min) < x_max: ax1.yaxis.set_ticks([z_min,z_max]) # # plt.suptitle('%(name)s \n E_specified_diagonal_slice_%(p)s, y = %(diag*gradient)sx, (x,y):(1,0) to (%(x)s,1), heights = %(h)s \n\ # # $\lambda$ = %(wl)f, period = %(d)f, PW = %(pw)i, %(add)s' % \ # # {'name' : name_lay, 'h':heights_list,'diag*gradient':diag*gradient, 'p':p,'wl' : wl, 'd' : period, \ # # 'pw' : pw,'x':x1[-1], 'add' : add_name} + '\n' + # # '# prop. ords = %(prop)s, # evan. ords = %(evan)s , n = %(n)s, k = %(k)s' % \ # # {'evan' : evan, 'prop' : prop, 'n' : n, 'k' : k[0]}) # # plt.savefig('%(dir_name)s/stack_%(stack_num)s_lay_%(name)s_E_specified_diagonal_slice_y=%(diag*gradient)sx_wl=%(wl)s_%(p)s%(add)s.pdf'% \ # # {'dir_name' : dir_name, 'diag*gradient':diag*gradient, 'p':p,'wl' : wl,\ # # 'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num, 'add' : add_name}) stack_num += 1
[docs]def field_values(stacks_list, lay_interest=0, xyz_values=[(0.1,0.1,0.1)]): """ Save electric field values at given x-y-z points. Points must be within \ a ThinFilm layer. In txt file fields are given as \ Re(Ex) Im(Ex) Re(Ey) Im(Ey) Re(Ez) Im(Ez) |E| Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: lay_interest (int): the index of the layer considered within \ the stack. Must be a ThinFilm layer. xyz_values (list): list of distances in normalised units of (d) \ from top surface of layer at which to calculate fields. \ For semi-inf substrate then z_value is distance from \ top of this layer (i.e. bottom interface of stack). """ dir_name = 'field_values' if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) stack_num = 0 super_points = [] for pstack in stacks_list: try: if not isinstance(pstack.layers[lay_interest],mode_calcs.Anallo): raise ValueError num_lays = len(pstack.layers) wl = np.around(pstack.layers[-1].light.wl_nm,decimals=2) if lay_interest == 0: name_lay = "0_Substrate" elif lay_interest == num_lays-1: name_lay = "%i_Superstrate" % (num_lays-1) else: name_lay = "%i_Thin_Film" % lay_interest n = pstack.layers[lay_interest].n() period = pstack.layers[-1].structure.period PWordtot = pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.num_pw_per_pol s = pstack.layers[lay_interest].sort_order alpha_unsrt = np.array(pstack.layers[lay_interest].alphas) beta_unsrt = np.array(pstack.layers[lay_interest].betas) alpha = alpha_unsrt[s] if pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.world_1d is True: beta = beta_unsrt else: beta = beta_unsrt[s] gamma = np.array(pstack.layers[lay_interest].calc_kz()) vec_coef_down = np.array(pstack.vec_coef_down[num_lays-1-lay_interest]).flatten() vec_coef_down_TE = vec_coef_down[0:PWordtot] vec_coef_down_TM = vec_coef_down[PWordtot::] if lay_interest == 0: vec_coef_up = np.zeros((2*PWordtot), dtype = 'complex') else: vec_coef_up = np.array(pstack.vec_coef_up[num_lays-1-lay_interest]).flatten() vec_coef_up_TE = vec_coef_up[0:PWordtot] vec_coef_up_TM = vec_coef_up[PWordtot::] norm = np.sqrt(alpha**2+beta**2) k = np.sqrt(alpha**2+beta**2+gamma**2) chi_TE = np.sqrt((n*gamma)/k) chi_TM = np.sqrt((n*k)/gamma) E_TE_x = beta/norm E_TE_y = -1*alpha/norm E_TE_z = np.array(np.zeros(np.size(E_TE_x))) E_TM_x = alpha/norm E_TM_y = beta/norm E_TM_z = -1*norm/gamma eta_TE_x_down = (vec_coef_down_TE*E_TE_x)/chi_TE eta_TE_y_down = (vec_coef_down_TE*E_TE_y)/chi_TE eta_TE_z_down = (vec_coef_down_TE*E_TE_z)/chi_TE eta_TM_x_down = (vec_coef_down_TM*E_TM_x)/chi_TM eta_TM_y_down = (vec_coef_down_TM*E_TM_y)/chi_TM eta_TM_z_down = (vec_coef_down_TM*E_TM_z)/chi_TM eta_TE_x_up = (vec_coef_up_TE*E_TE_x)/chi_TE eta_TE_y_up = (vec_coef_up_TE*E_TE_y)/chi_TE eta_TE_z_up = (vec_coef_up_TE*E_TE_z)/chi_TE eta_TM_x_up = (vec_coef_up_TM*E_TM_x)/chi_TM eta_TM_y_up = (vec_coef_up_TM*E_TM_y)/chi_TM eta_TM_z_up = (vec_coef_up_TM*E_TM_z)/chi_TM calc_E_TE_x_array = np.zeros(len(xyz_values),dtype='complex') calc_E_TE_y_array = np.zeros(len(xyz_values),dtype='complex') calc_E_TE_z_array = np.zeros(len(xyz_values),dtype='complex') calc_E_TM_x_array = np.zeros(len(xyz_values),dtype='complex') calc_E_TM_y_array = np.zeros(len(xyz_values),dtype='complex') calc_E_TM_z_array = np.zeros(len(xyz_values),dtype='complex') for i in xrange(len(xyz_values)): (x1,y1,z1) = np.array(xyz_values[i])#/float(pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.period) if pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.world_1d == True: y1 = 0 if lay_interest == 0: z1 = -1*z1 else: z1 = np.abs(z1) if pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.height_nm == 'semi_inf': calc_expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1+beta*y1-gamma*z1)) else: calc_expo_down = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1+beta*y1-gamma*(z1-float(pstack.layers[lay_interest].structure.height_nm)/period))) calc_expo_up = np.exp(1j*(alpha*x1+beta*y1+gamma*z1)) calc_E_TE_x = np.sum(eta_TE_x_down*calc_expo_down + eta_TE_x_up*calc_expo_up) calc_E_TE_y = np.sum(eta_TE_y_down*calc_expo_down + eta_TE_y_up*calc_expo_up) calc_E_TE_z = np.sum(eta_TE_z_down*calc_expo_down + eta_TE_z_up*calc_expo_up) calc_E_TM_x = np.sum(eta_TM_x_down*calc_expo_down + eta_TM_x_up*calc_expo_up) calc_E_TM_y = np.sum(eta_TM_y_down*calc_expo_down + eta_TM_y_up*calc_expo_up) calc_E_TM_z = np.sum(eta_TM_z_down*calc_expo_down + eta_TM_z_up*calc_expo_up) calc_E_TE_x_array[i] = calc_E_TE_x calc_E_TE_y_array[i] = calc_E_TE_y calc_E_TE_z_array[i] = calc_E_TE_z calc_E_TM_x_array[i] = calc_E_TM_x calc_E_TM_y_array[i] = calc_E_TM_y calc_E_TM_z_array[i] = calc_E_TM_z calc_E_x_array = calc_E_TE_x_array + calc_E_TM_x_array calc_E_y_array = calc_E_TE_y_array + calc_E_TM_y_array calc_E_z_array = calc_E_TE_z_array + calc_E_TM_z_array calc_E_tot_array = np.sqrt(calc_E_x_array*np.conj(calc_E_x_array) \ +calc_E_y_array*np.conj(calc_E_y_array)+calc_E_z_array*np.conj(calc_E_z_array)) np.savez('%(dir_name)s/%(stack_num)s_E_calc_points_%(name)s_wl_%(wl)s'% \ {'dir_name':dir_name, 'wl':wl,'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num},\ calc_E_x_array=calc_E_x_array,calc_E_y_array=calc_E_y_array,\ calc_E_z_array=calc_E_z_array,calc_E_tot_array=calc_E_tot_array) np.savetxt('%(dir_name)s/%(stack_num)s_E_calc_points_%(name)s_wl_%(wl)s.txt'% \ {'dir_name':dir_name, 'wl':wl,'name' : name_lay,'stack_num':stack_num},\ np.array([np.real(calc_E_x_array), np.imag(calc_E_x_array), np.real(calc_E_y_array),\ np.imag(calc_E_y_array), np.real(calc_E_z_array), np.imag(calc_E_z_array), np.real(calc_E_tot_array)])) stack_num += 1 super_points.append([calc_E_x_array,calc_E_y_array,calc_E_z_array,calc_E_tot_array]) except ValueError: print "field_values can only calculate field values in ThinFilms."\ "\nPlease select a different lay_interest.\n" return super_points
[docs]def fields_3d(stacks_list, lay_interest=1): """ Plot fields in 3D using gmsh. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: lay_interest (int): the index of the layer considered within \ the stack. """ from fortran import EMUstack import subprocess nnodes=6 dir_name = "3d_fields" if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) dir_name = "3d_fields/anim" if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) stack_num = 0 for pstack in stacks_list: try: if not isinstance(pstack.layers[lay_interest],mode_calcs.Simmo): raise ValueError meat = pstack.layers[lay_interest] if not meat.structure.periodicity == '2D_array': raise ValueError gmsh_file_pos = meat.structure.mesh_file[0:-5] # vec_coef sorted from top of stack, everything else is sorted from bottom vec_index = len(pstack.layers) - lay_interest - 1 vec_coef = np.concatenate((pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index],pstack.vec_coef_up[vec_index])) # vec_coef_up = np.zeros(shape=(np.shape(pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index])),dtype='complex128') # vec_coef = np.concatenate((pstack.vec_coef_down[vec_index],vec_coef_up)) h_normed = float(meat.structure.height_nm)/float(meat.structure.period) wl_normed = pstack.layers[lay_interest].wl_norm() layer_name = 'Lay_' + zeros_int_str(lay_interest) + 'Stack_' + str(stack_num) EMUstack.gmsh_plot_field_3d(wl_normed, h_normed, meat.num_BMs, meat.E_H_field, meat.n_msh_el, meat.n_msh_pts, nnodes, meat.type_el, meat.structure.nb_typ_el, meat.table_nod, meat.k_z, meat.sol1, vec_coef, meat.x_arr, gmsh_file_pos, layer_name) stack_num += 1 except ValueError: print "fields_3d can only plot 3D fields within 2D_array "\ "Nanostruct layers. \nPlease select a different lay_interest.\n"
[docs]def Bloch_fields_1d(stacks_list, lay_interest=None): """ Plot Bloch mode fields along the x axis. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. Keyword Args: lay_interest (int): the index of the layer considered within \ the stack. Must be a 1D_array NanoStruct layer. By default \ routine finds all such layers. """ dir_name = "Bloch_fields" if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) stack_num = 0 for pstack in stacks_list: # by default find all 1D layers if lay_interest == None: lay_interest = [] for l in range(len(pstack.layers)): if isinstance(pstack.layers[l],mode_calcs.Simmo): if pstack.layers[l].structure.periodicity == '1D_array': lay_interest.append(l) else: lay_interest = [lay_interest] num_lays = len(pstack.layers) for lay in lay_interest: try: meat = pstack.layers[lay] if not isinstance(meat,mode_calcs.Simmo): raise ValueError if not meat.structure.periodicity == '1D_array': raise ValueError eps = meat.n_effs**2 struct = meat.structure boundary = [] for i in range(len(struct.type_el) - 1): if struct.type_el[i] != struct.type_el[i+1]: boundary.append(struct.x_arr[2*(i+1)]) fields = ['Re(E_x)', 'Im(E_x)', 'Re(E_y)', 'Im(E_y)', 'Re(E_z)', 'Im(E_z)'] for BM in range(meat.num_BMs): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) plot_sol_abs = np.zeros(struct.n_msh_pts) plot_sol_eps_abs = np.zeros(struct.n_msh_pts) # plot_sol_2_FT = np.zeros(struct.n_msh_pts) for i in range(len(fields)): E = fields[i] # sol_P2([Ex,Ey,Ez],P2_interpolation_points,nval,nel) BM_sol = meat.sol1[i/2,:,BM,:] if E[0] == 'R': plot_sol = [np.real(BM_sol[0,0])] else: plot_sol = [np.imag(BM_sol[0,0])] plot_sol_abs[0] += np.real(np.sqrt((BM_sol[0,0])* np.conj(BM_sol[0,0]))) plot_sol_eps_abs[0] += np.real(eps[struct.type_el[0]-1] * np.sqrt((BM_sol[0,0])* np.conj(BM_sol[0,0]))) for x in range(struct.n_msh_el - 1): if E[0] == 'R': plot_sol.append(np.real(BM_sol[1,x])) plot_sol.append(np.real(BM_sol[2,x] + BM_sol[0,x+1]) / 2) else: plot_sol.append(np.imag(BM_sol[1,x])) plot_sol.append(np.imag(BM_sol[2,x] + BM_sol[0,x+1]) / 2) plot_sol_abs[2*x+1] += np.real(np.sqrt((BM_sol[1,x])* np.conj(BM_sol[1,x]))) plot_sol_abs[2*x+2] += np.real(np.sqrt(((BM_sol[2,x] + BM_sol[0,x+1]) / 2)* np.conj((BM_sol[2,x] + BM_sol[0,x+1]) / 2))) plot_sol_eps_abs[2*x+1] += np.real(eps[struct.type_el[x]-1] * np.sqrt((BM_sol[1,x])* np.conj(BM_sol[1,x]))) plot_sol_eps_abs[2*x+2] += np.real(eps[struct.type_el[x]-1] * np.sqrt(((BM_sol[2,x] + BM_sol[0,x+1]) / 2)* np.conj((BM_sol[2,x] + BM_sol[0,x+1]) / 2))) if E[0] == 'R': plot_sol.append(np.real(BM_sol[1,-1])) plot_sol.append(np.real(BM_sol[2,-1])) else: plot_sol.append(np.imag(BM_sol[1,-1])) plot_sol.append(np.imag(BM_sol[2,-1])) plot_sol_abs[-2] += np.real(np.sqrt((BM_sol[1,x])* np.conj(BM_sol[1,x]))) plot_sol_abs[-1] += np.real(np.sqrt((BM_sol[2,x])* np.conj(BM_sol[2,x]))) plot_sol_eps_abs[-2] += np.real(eps[struct.type_el[-1]-1] * np.sqrt((BM_sol[1,x])* np.conj(BM_sol[1,x]))) plot_sol_eps_abs[-1] += np.real(eps[struct.type_el[-1]-1] * np.sqrt((BM_sol[2,x])* np.conj(BM_sol[2,x]))) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, i+1) ax1.plot(struct.x_arr, plot_sol) ax1.set_ylabel(E) if E == 'Re(E_x)' or E == 'Im(E_x)': ax1.xaxis.set_label_position("top") ax1.xaxis.tick_top() ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('both') ax1.set_xlabel('x (d)') else: ax1.set_xticklabels( () ) start, end = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.linspace(start, end, 3)) for b in boundary: ax1.plot([b,b],[start,end],'k') if i%2 == 1: ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax1.yaxis.tick_right() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') if E == 'Re(E_x)': plot_sol_2_FTx = plot_sol if E == 'Im(E_x)': plot_sol_2_FT2x = plot_sol if E == 'Re(E_y)': plot_sol_2_FT = plot_sol if E == 'Im(E_y)': plot_sol_2_FT2 = plot_sol ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, 7) ax1.plot(struct.x_arr, plot_sol_abs) ax1.set_xticklabels( () ) start, end = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.linspace(start, end, 3)) for b in boundary: ax1.plot([b,b],[start,end],'k') ax1.set_ylabel(r'|E|') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, 8) ax1.plot(struct.x_arr, plot_sol_eps_abs) ax1.set_xticklabels( () ) start, end = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.linspace(start, end, 3)) for b in boundary: ax1.plot([b,b],[start,end],'k') ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax1.yaxis.tick_right() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') ax1.set_ylabel(r'Re($\epsilon$) |E|') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, 9) xshape = struct.x_arr.size # plot_sol_2_FT = np.sin(3*np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,xshape)) FT = np.fft.fft(plot_sol_2_FTx) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(xshape,struct.x_arr[1]) freqs = np.fft.fftshift(freqs) FT = np.fft.fftshift(FT) ax1.plot(freqs, np.abs(FT),'ro', linewidth=3.0) start, end = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.linspace(start, end, 3)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'FT Re(E$_x$)') ax1.set_xlim((0,10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, 10) xshape = struct.x_arr.size FT = np.fft.fft(plot_sol_2_FT2x) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(xshape,struct.x_arr[1]) freqs = np.fft.fftshift(freqs) FT = np.fft.fftshift(FT) ax1.plot(freqs, np.abs(FT),'ro', linewidth=3.0) start, end = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.linspace(start, end, 3)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'FT Im(E$_x$)') ax1.set_xlim((0,10)) ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax1.yaxis.tick_right() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, 11) xshape = struct.x_arr.size FT = np.fft.fft(plot_sol_2_FT) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(xshape,struct.x_arr[1]) freqs = np.fft.fftshift(freqs) FT = np.fft.fftshift(FT) ax1.plot(freqs, np.abs(FT),'ro', linewidth=3.0) start, end = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.linspace(start, end, 3)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'FT Re(E$_y$)') ax1.set_xlim((0,10)) ax1.set_xlabel('Diffraction order') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(6, 2, 12) xshape = struct.x_arr.size FT = np.fft.fft(plot_sol_2_FT2) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(xshape,struct.x_arr[1]) freqs = np.fft.fftshift(freqs) FT = np.fft.fftshift(FT) ax1.plot(freqs, np.abs(FT),'ro', linewidth=3.0) start, end = ax1.get_ylim() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.linspace(start, end, 3)) ax1.set_ylabel(r'FT Im(E$_y$)') ax1.set_xlim((0,10)) ax1.set_xlabel('Diffraction order') ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax1.yaxis.tick_right() ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') name_lay = "layer-%(lay)i-BM_%(BM)s"% \ {'lay' : lay, 'BM' : zeros_int_str(BM)} plt.suptitle(r'BM %(BM)i, k$_z$ = %(re)7.3f + %(im)7.3fi (d)'% \ {'re' : np.real(meat.k_z[BM]), 'im' : np.imag(meat.k_z[BM]), 'BM' : BM}) plt.savefig(dir_name + '/' + name_lay, bbox_inches = 'tight') except ValueError: print "fields_1d can only plot 1D fields of 1D_array "\ "NanoStruct layers. \nPlease select different lay_interest.\n" ############################################################################### #### Fabry-Perot resonances ###################################################
[docs]def Fabry_Perot_res(stacks_list, freq_list, kx_list, f_0, k_0, lay_interest=1): """ Calculate the Fabry-Perot resonance condition for a resonances within a layer. This is equivalent to finding the slab waveguide modes of the layer. Args: stacks_list (list): Stack objects containing data to plot. freq_list (list): Frequencies included. kx_list (list): In-plane wavenumbers included. f_0 (list): Frequency w.r.t. which axis is normalised. k_0 (list): In-plane wavenumber w.r.t. which axis is normalised. Keyword Args: lay_interest (int): The index in stacks_list of the layer of\ which F-P resonances are calculated. """ n_freqs = len(freq_list) n_kxs = len(kx_list) # assuming all stacks have equal height height = stacks_list[-1].heights_nm()[lay_interest-1] period = stacks_list[-1].period num_BMss = stacks_list[-1].layers[lay_interest].num_BMs I_mat = np.matrix(np.eye(num_BMss),dtype='D') plot_mat = np.zeros(shape=(n_freqs,n_kxs),dtype='complex128') for i in range(n_kxs): kx_slice = stacks_list[i*n_freqs:(i+1)*n_freqs] j = 0 for stack in kx_slice: P = stack.layers[lay_interest].prop_fwd(height/period) R21 = stack.layers[lay_interest].R21 FP_term = np.linalg.det(I_mat - R21*P*R21*P) plot_mat[j, i] = FP_term j += 1 image = np.log(np.abs(plot_mat)) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) cax = ax1.imshow(image,, interpolation='none') from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter shape = np.shape(plot_mat) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(shape[1]-1) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) majorLocator = MultipleLocator(shape[0]-1) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(majorLocator) xlims = [kx_list[0]/k_0, kx_list[-1]/k_0] ax1.set_xticklabels(xlims) ylims = [freq_list[0]/f_0, freq_list[-1]/f_0] ax1.set_yticklabels(ylims) cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) cbar.set_label(r'$ln(|I - R_{21}PR_{21}P|)$',size=18) ax1.set_xlabel(r'$k_\perp/k_0$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'$f/f_0$') ax1.axis('image') plt.savefig('Fabry-Perot_resonances', bbox_inches = 'tight') ###############################################################################